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Item Open Access المؤسسات الناشئة كالية قانونية في ترقية الاستثمار(جامعة المسيلة, 2024) روان زينبتُعتبر المؤسّسات النّاشئة محلَّ اهتمامِ العديدِ من الدّول، كونُها أثبتت أنّها آلية فعّالة لإنعاشِ اقتصادياتِ الدّول وتنويعِ الاقتصاد ومصادرِ الدّخل، كما تساهمُ في تحقيق القيمة المضافة للبلاد من خلال رفعِ مستوياتِ الإنتاجِ المحلّي وخلقِ فرصِ العمل بمختلفِ القطاعات. ومن خلال هذا الموضوع نهدفُ إلى الإلمام بالإطار المفاهيمي والإطار القانوني التّنظيمي للمؤسّسات الناشئة، وكذا التّطرُّق لمدى اهتمامِ الجزائر بآلياتِ دعمِها ومرافقتِها وتمويلِها بأحدثِ الطُّرق البديلة لها. من خلال البحث، يظهرُ أنّ المؤسّسات النّاشئة تتميّزُ بحداثةِ نشأتِها وبخصوصيةٍ كبيرة جعلتها تساهمُ في عمليةِ ترقيةِ الاستثمار والتّنمية المستدامة للدّول من خلال طرحِها لمنتجاتٍ جديدة أو خدماتٍ مبتكرة. كما حظيَ موضوعُ المؤسّسات النّاشئة باهتمامٍ كبير في السّنوات الأخيرة من طرف الحكومة الجزائرية، فقد توجّهَت إلى تبنّي هذا النّوع من المؤسّسات نظرًا لِما قدّمته من نجاحات، وللحدّ من هجرة الكفاءات واحتضانهم والاستفادةِ من ابتكاراتهم وقدراتهم، وذلك من خلال وضعِ عدّة آلياتٍ وامتيازات وتحفيزات لدعمِها وتطويرها.Item Open Access الاستثمار في التشريع الجزائري في إطار القانون 21-11 التحفيزات والعراقيل(جامعة المسيلة, 2024) عمـراوي نبيــل - مجاهد عثمانThe current Algerian investment legislation kept the Algerian Investment Promotion Agency established in 2001, and also enshrined the advantages included in the 2016 amendment and called them the term incentive systems, referring to previous applied texts until they are updated, amended or abolished. It appears that the new legislation for the year 2022 came in Under external and internal pressures, economic globalization imposes economic legal rules of a liberal international nature governed by market law, while the internal need for foreign investment, technology and revenues to strengthen the national economy and create job opportunities and wealth led Algeria to reduce restrictions and obstacles, so the digital platform for the investor was created to create economic vitality and transparency. It was larger and reduced bureaucracy, and was devoted to broader and closer incentive systems to attract foreign direct investment and improve the investment climate. However, Algeria was unable to escape from the interventionist and planned economic thought in its latest legislative amendment for the year 2022, and while waiting for data on the reality of investment for the coming years, it seems that achieving the desired goals needs to Deeper and broader economic thought.Item Open Access االالاستثمار السياحي في الجزائـر(جامعة المسيلة, 2024) مرزوقي زكرياءThe tourism sector in Algeria is one of the vital sectors that has seen significant development since independence. The Algerian legislator has worked on framing and supporting tourism investment through a set of laws and regulations. Upon reviewing the history of public and private investment in the tourism sector, it is clear that there has been a shift from partnership to privatization following Algeria's economic shift towards a market economy. This opened wide doors for private investment in the tourism sector and enhanced tourism development opportunities. Despite the substantial efforts made by the state to improve the tourism investment climate, challenges still hinder keeping up with global experiences in this field. This has hastened the development of long-term plans aimed at creating a suitable environment for tourism investment and encouraging local and foreign investors to implement projects that contribute to driving economic development in line with international laws and economies.Item Open Access الوكالة الجزائرية لترقية الاستثمار(جامعة المسيلة, 2024) مكـي أكرم عبد النورL’état algérien déploie de grands efforts et une grande importance aux projets d’investissement et faire de l’Algérie un pole d’investissement distingué afin de relancer l’économie nationale .cela incite le législateur à activer des lois en créant d’investissement appropriée une atmosphère tout en donnant à l’agence algérienne de promotion des investissement une force juridique pour exercer ses fonction comme il fout . La promulgation de la loi 22/18 relative à l’investissement local ou étranger comme première alter motive au carburant , le moteur le plus important de la croissance économique . La réalisation de ces objectifs se fait par la présentation des qualités et des avantages et incitation fiscaux et douanières comme des méthodes séduisantes utilisées par la politique économique pour encourager et inciter à la croissance et l’investissement et pourtant onànoté tant d’obstacles rencontrés par les investisseurs .Item Open Access الوقف في التشريع الجزائري(جامعة المسيلة, 2024) بن رية محمدلقد رسم المشرع الج ازئري نظاما قانونيا متكامال للوقف ،مستندا في ذلك على أحكام ومبادئ الشرعة اإلسالمية ، ويظهر ذلك من خالل تحديد اإلطار المفاهيمي للوقف بداية من تعريف الوقف ، والوقوف على أركانه وشروطه وخصائصه وأنواعه ، مرورا باألجهزة المكلفة بادرة الوقف وتسييره والسهر عليه ، وحدد طبيعة مهام كل جهاز ، وحدود العالقة بينها وتكامل دورها ، كما وضع المشرع القواعد العامة الستثمار األمالك الوقفية وطرق واستغاللها وتقسيم غاللها ، وصوال إلى توفير الحماية اإلدارية والقانونية و القضائية ، الضرورية لهذا النوع من األمالك .Item Open Access عقد الزواج المختلط الاجراءات والاثار في التشريع الجزائري والتشريعات المقارنة والقانون الدولي(جامعة المسيلة, 2024)Mixed marriage is the union between a man and a woman of different national, religions, and cultures, based on a legal foundation of consent. It requires both formal and objective conditions to be met in order to be valid. It has distinct features that set It apart from other contracts, as it is subject to special and strict procedures that applicants must comply with, starting from obtaining a marriage license from the competent authority until completing all the procedures outlined in the two ministerial decrees issued by the Minister of the Interior to the appointed governor. As a result , Therefore, it entails personal and financial consequences, as each of these and conditions is subject to conflicting laws governing them.Item Open Access حماية الاقلية في شركة المساهمة(جامعة المسيلة, 2024) بوغرارة صبرينة - حبوش نضيــــــرةينقسم المساهمين في شركات المساهمة إلى أقلية وأغلبية باإلضافة لمساهمين سلبيين، وهذا ما ينتج عنه رضوخ أقلية المساهمين لقرارات األغلبية، ً وبناء عليه تشكل عملية التعسف ًر حقيقياً على أقلية المساهمين في الشركة المستهدفة ، لذلك فإنه ال بد من في القوانين خط ا حماية هذه الفئة من المساهمين، ألنها تمنح أغلبية المساهمين إمكانية التعسف باتخاذ قرارتها مما قد يؤدي إلى إلحاق الضرر بأقلية المساهمين. وتتنوع الحماية الممنوحة ألقلية المساهمين بين حماية قانونية وحماية تشريعية تعد األغلبية في شركة المساهمة عملية اقتصادية قانونية للسيطرة على الشركات من أجل احتكار األسواق، إال أن هذه العملية قد تؤدي إلى زعزعة ثقة المستثمرين، نتيجة خطورة هذه العملية على بعض المساهمين، كما تتنوع الحماية الممنوحة ألقلية المساهمين بين حماية قانونية و تشريعية . الكلمات المفتاحية : أقلية المساهمين، القرارات التعسفية، شركة المساهمة. Abstract: Shareholders in joint stock companies are divided into a minority and a majority in addition to passive shareholders, which results in the minority shareholders submitting to the decisions of the majority, and accordingly, the process of arbitrariness in the laws poses a real danger to the minority shareholders in the targeted company, so it is necessary to protect this category of shareholders, because it gives the majority shareholders the ability to arbitrarily make their decisions, which may lead to harm to the minority shareholders. The protection granted to minority shareholders varies between legal and legislative protection The majority in a joint stock company is a legal economic process to control companies in order to monopolize the markets, but this process may lead to undermining the confidence of investors, as a result of the danger of this process to some shareholders, and the protection granted to minority shareholders varies between legal and legislative protection. Keywords: minority shareholders, arbitrary decisions, joint stock.Item Open Access دورنظام الادارة الحرة في استقلالية الجماعات المحلية(2024) دشيشة إيمانحرية الدارة للجماعات المحلية تعني تمكين البلديات والمجالس المحلية من اتخاذ القرارات وإدارة شؤونها بقدر كبير من االستقاللية عن الحكومة المركزية. هذا النوع من الدارة يتيح للمجتمعات المحلية القدرة على توفير الخدمات العامة وتنظيم األمور المحلية بما يتناسب مع احتياجاتهم الفعلية. تعتمد حرية الدارة على مجموعة من العوامل، منها القدرة المالية، و التشريعات المحلية، ووجود هياكل إدارية فعالة. الهدف الرئيسي هو تعزيز الديمقراطية المحلية وتقديم خدمات تكون أكثر كفاءة ومالئمة للسكان المحليينLocal self-government refers to the ability of municipalities and local councils to make decisions and manage their affairs with a significant degree of independence from the central government. This type of governance allows local communities to provide public services and organize local matters according to their actual needs. The autonomy of local self-government depends on various factors, including financial capability, local legislation, and effective administrative structures. The main objective is to enhance local democracy and deliver services that are more efficient and tailored to the needs of local residents.Item Open Access تنفيذ األحكام والقرارات الصادرة ضد الادارة -وفقا لتعديل ق.إ.م. إ . لسنة -2022(جامعة المسيلة, 2024) جبلاحي بشرىThe aim of this topic is to study the means of implementing administrative judicial rulings and decisions against the administration by shedding light on the amendments approved by the Algerian legislator for the year 2022. This study was based on introducing the legal system of judicial rulings and decisions and methods to force the administration to implement them. Our results: The Algerian legislator developed a set of solutions to fill the gaps. We find an explicit text on the permissibility of issuing a threatening fine and determining its effectiveness, and included the authority to enforce through the public treasury in the Code of Civil and Administrative Procedures, as well as the establishment of administrative responsibility, as well as the criminalization of the employee who abstains from implementation.Item Open Access منازعات إدارة الجمارك في القانون الجزائري(جامعة المسيلة, 2024) ساحلي فريدJudicial follow-up is one of the most important legal means of fulfilling the Customs Administration's fiscal rights and collecting customs fines resulting from final judgments and decisions. The effectiveness of collection is coupled primarily with the level of composition of Customs agents and their control of inspection and followup procedures, with all forms of follow-up at the level of criminal, civil and administrative judicial authorities. The Customs Administration, for example, may be liable for wrongdoing by one of its agents on the performance of his or her function, causing harm to others. In this case, the judicial bodies that rule on administrative cases are competent to adjudicate the case. Objections to the payment and payment of customs rights or objections to customs coercion and other customs cases of a civil nature may arise, in which case the litigation shall be brought before the bodies that decide civil cases to which the adjudication is competent and to which the Customs Administration is a party. The Customs Department has identified violations of customs legislation, referring the case to the judicial bodies that decide on penal matters. and criminal judicial followup in terms of size is the usual form of customs disputes, which in practice has created a kind of control and familiarity with this article by representatives of the Customs Administration; However, the emergence of national and foreign private investments in the market economy has contributed to the multiplication of customs issues at the civil and administrative level. On the other hand, the importance of amounts owed to the public treasury and the length of litigation procedures necessitates the use of all legal measures to ensure the fulfilment of these rights, which necessarily requires the proper exercise of these measuresItem Open Access مجلس الدولة كهيئة مقومة لاعمال الجهات القضائية الادارية وفقا لتعديل 2022(جامعة المسيلة, 2024) غـويني بريزةThe Council of State is the highest judicial authority in administrative matters under the provisions of Article 179 of the constitutional amendment of 2020. It is dedicated to judicial dualism and exercises its original jurisdiction as a cassation body as required by Article 2 of Organic Law 22-11, as amended, and supplemented by Law 98-01, as well as in accordance with the provisions of Article 901 of Law 22-13, as amended and supplemented by Law 08-09. It unifies judicial interpretation and has jurisdiction to refer laws and regulations to the Constitutional Court, as stipulated in Article 195 of the Constitution. It also resolves jurisdictional disputes between administrative judicial bodies and, according to Article 10 of Organic Law 22-11, it has exceptional jurisdiction as an appellate body. Article 11 entrusts it with the power to rule on cases entrusted to it by special provisions. The Council of State contributes to expressing its opinion on draft laws and orders, in accordance with Articles 142 and 143 of the Constitution, before they are presented to the Council of Ministers, to ensure legal security of legal texts and embody the rule of law.Item Open Access الضمانات الممنوحة للمستثمر األجنبي في إطار الاستثمارات الاجنبية المباشرة(جامعة المسيلة, 2024) أبو طعيمة أحمدForeign direct investment guarantees play a significant role in shaping a state's investment environment. These guarantees enhance the inflow of foreign direct investments by instilling confidence and assurance among investors regarding the economic environment in which they will invest. Moreover, these guarantees attract various forms of foreign direct investment, contributing to economic equilibrium and enhancing international competitiveness.Item Open Access حؽ الطفل في الهبة والوصية(جامعة المسيلة, 2024) حفاف محفوظ-كشيدة مرادThis study aims to shed light on the child’s right to a gift and a will, as the Algerian legislator guarantees the child financial rights that are guaranteed to him other than marriage and inheritance. These rights result from legal actions represented by a will and a gift. The importance of these actions lies in the fact that they are dangerous actions because they are a donation, as Money is sacrificed for free, so legislation was quick to establish necessary protection for children for those who want to engage in this behavior. The study concluded that the gift and will are considered an important resource in developing the child’s financial liability, and that there is some jurisprudential difference in its details. If the Algerian legislator agreed with the opinion of the jurists regarding the child’s right to the will, then we find that he disagreed with them regarding the obligatory will or revelation when he approved it. By the force of the law, as for the gift, we noticed that the legislator gave it attention similar to the rest of the donation contracts, when it stipulated the gift to the children. The child’s right to a gift and a will has been expanded by Islamic law, and the opinions of jurists have multiplied about it, without differing in its origin, while the Algerian legislator did not give it the necessary attention. We find that the child’s right to a gift and a will was not taken from the Family Law, neither a chapter nor a section, but rather was scattered among the rest of the articles. , on various doors, and this is what is wrong with the Algerian legislator.Item Open Access الاستثمار في التشريع الجزائري في إطار القانون 22-18 التحفيزات والعراقيل(جامعة المسيلة, 2024) عمـراوي نبيل - مجاهد عثمانThe current Algerian investment legislation kept the Algerian Investment Promotion Agency established in 2001, and also enshrined the advantages included in the 2016 amendment and called them the term incentive systems, referring to previous applied texts until they are updated, amended or abolished. It appears that the new legislation for the year 2022 came in Under external and internal pressures, economic globalization imposes economic legal rules of a liberal international nature governed by market law, while the internal need for foreign investment, technology and revenues to strengthen the national economy and create job opportunities and wealth led Algeria to reduce restrictions and obstacles, so the digital platform for the investor was created to create economic vitality and transparency. It was larger and reduced bureaucracy, and was devoted to broader and closer incentive systems to attract foreign direct investment and improve the investment climate. However, Algeria was unable to escape from the interventionist and planned economic thought in its latest legislative amendment for the year 2022, and while waiting for data on the reality of investment for the coming years, it seems that achieving the desired goals needs to Deeper and broader economic thought.Item Open Access الالتحاق بالوظيفة العامة في التشريع الجزائري(جامعة المسيلة, 2024) عيـسى زيـــان - فيصل عمــرايJoining the public sector job is a significant step in an individual's professional life, where candidates apply for public positions with the aim of working in government or public institutions. The process of joining a public job typically involves several steps, including submitting applications, passing tests and interviews, and complying with the specific standards and conditions of the job. Joining a public job includes benefits such as job stability, social and insurance benefits, as well as opportunities for promotion and professional development. Public jobs are considered an essential part of any society's infrastructure, contributing to the provision of vital services and the achievement of public welfare. Key Words: Candidates, Public Sector, Public Institutions, Applications, Tests, Interviews, Standards, Conditions, Stability, Social BenefitsItem Open Access العالقات المالية بين الزوجين في الفقه والقانون(جامعة المسيلة, 2024) مريم بن جدي - روان صورياItem Open Access جريمة العدوان في ظل النظام الاساسي للمحكمة الجنائية الدولية(جامعة المسيلة, 2024) سليخ كنزةThe crime of aggression is defined as one of the most serious international crimes, involving the commission of an unlawful military act by one state against another, in Violation of the united Nation charter. The Rome Statute, Which serves as the founding treaty of the international Criminal court contains Specific provisions for defining and identifying this crime. According to article 8 bis of the Rome Stalute, « the crime of aggression is defined as the planning preparation, initiation or execution by a person in a position to exercise control over or direct the political or military action of a state, of an act of aggression that, buy its character, gravity, and scale, constitutes a manifest violation of the united Nation charter». This crime falls within the jurisdiction of the ICC, subject to the conditions specified in the Statute, once the required number of state ratifications is reached and the court's jurisdiction over the crime of aggression is activates the general rule is that the consent of the aggression State or the victim state is required, the ICC cannot investigate or prosecute the crime of aggression without the consent of the relevant states, unless the situation is referred to the court by the United Nations Security council. The security council plays a pivotal role in determining the occurrence of an act of aggression and notifying the court accordingly, however, the court may initiate an independent investigation if the security council does not make a decision within six months of the UN secretary-general being metrified. The court faces several challenges, such as the precise definition of what constitutes an act of aggression, wich can be complex and subject to various legal and political interpretations. Additionally, achieving international consensus on how to apply the court's jurisdiction to the crime of aggression was a difficult process that took years of negotiations. Since the activation of the court's jurisdiction over the crime of aggression, no significant cases have been brought before the court under this charge, reflecting the legal and political complexities associated with applying theseItem Open Access المجلس التنفیذي للولایة في ظل المرسوم التنقيذي رقم22-54(جامعة المسيلة, 2024) لمیـن محمد العیـد شریـف أشـرفThe memorandum dealt with the legal system of the Executive Council of the state under Executive Decree No. 22-54, where it was established for the first time under Executive Order No. 69-38 related to the state, which was considered one of the state bodies and gave it wide powers, then the regulatory texts were issued in 1971, 1979 and 1986, then the State Law No. 90-09 was issued, which did not provide for it, and the matter continued until the issuance of Executive Decree 93 94-215, which separated its legal system, and Law No. 12-07 did not come up with the new, until the issuance of Executive Decree No. 22- 54, which brought about several reforms at the level of its composition, structure and powers. Therefore, the memorandum addressed the problematic developments and reforms contained in the latter, as the Executive Council was considered an independent body on the general administration of the state, and was granted various powers of a coordinating and other of an executive nature, and its formation included elected and certain other bodies, and its tasks were exercised in meetings supervised by the technical secretariat of the Council, and several results were reached, the most important of which was the governor's dominance over the executive council of the state, as well as the duplication of its central and local functions, and its independence over the organs of the general administration of the state, so it was proposed to consolidate and strengthen its legal framework.Item Open Access النظام القانوني للعون المتربص في ظل 06-03الأمرالتطبیقیة ونصوصه(جامعة المسيلة, 2024) رزوق سفيان- بن زيد اليزيدThe study dealt with the legal system of the lurking aid under Order 06-03, and the applied text represented in Executive Decree No. 17-322. The topic derives its importance from the importance of the public service and the employee in society, as well as the role of the lurking stage in revealing the extent of the employees' eligibility for demarcation. Therefore, the problem of the topic revolved around the extent to which the legislator reconciled the balance between protecting the lurking from the abuse of the administration, as well as the need to reveal the period of lurking on its validity for demarcation, and to answer it. Descriptive and analytical approaches were used, starting with studying the theoretical and conceptual framework for lurking in the public service, and then analyzing its legal system, through the process of probation (its duration, the assessment of the lurking, the effects of lurking), the system of rights and duties, and detailing in its disciplinary system, especially the system of sanctions independent of the employee. The study reached the specificity of the legal system of the lurking and distinguishing it from the legal status of the employee in terms of some rights and the expansion of the discretionary authority of the administration in extending the legalItem Open Access عزل الموظف بسبب اهمال المنصب في ظل الامر06-03ونصوصه التطبیقیة(جامعة المسيلة, 2024) امنـــةآشبـــیـح - بن عیش زلیخــةوالمرسوم 06-03تناولت الدراسة النظام القانوني لعزل الموظف بسبب اهمال المنصب في ظل الأمر ّ ، 17-321التنفیذي ن على الموظف التفرغ لمهام الوظیفة العمومیة وممارسة المهام المنوطة به، حیث یتعی ، لذلك قرر المشرع والمنظم حمایة هذا الالتزام من خلال النص على ذلك في اطار احترام التزاماته المهنیةو عقوبة تأدیبیة في شكل جزاء اداري، تتمثل في العزل من الوظیفة لسبب حصري، یتمثل في وجود الموظف في بعد قیام یوما متتالیة، 15غیاب الموظف بدون مبرر مقبول لمدة تقوم على وضعیة اهمال المنصب، التي بإجراءات المعاینة ثم توجیه اعذارین للمعني من أجل الالتحاق بمنصب عمله، وبعدها یصدر قرار الادارة اداري بعزل الموظف بسبب اهمال المنصب من السلطة صاحبة صلاحیة التعیین، وبالنظر الى خطورة الآثار ّ ر الم شرع للموظف ضمانات القانونیة المترتبة على العزل، خاصة الحرمان من التوظیف من جدید، فقد قر قانونیة في مواجهة الادارة، تكون سابقة لإصدار قرار العزل، من خلال ضرورة الاعذار المسبق وتسبیب قرار العزل اضافة الى ضمانات معاصرة ولاحقة لصدور قرار العزل، تتمثل في وجوب تبلیغ الموظف بقرار العزل ئي، وبعد صدور قرار العزل، فانه یرتب آثار قانونیة ومالیة وتمكینه من الحق في التظلم الاداري والطعن القضا متبادلة في مواجهة الادارة والموظف. 06-03.الأمر 17-321،المرسوم التنفیذي اهمال المنصب، عزل الموظف، المفتاحیة:الكلمات ABSTRACT The study dealt with the legal system of dismissal of the employee due to neglect of the position under Order 06-03 and Executive Decree 17-321, where the employee must devote himself to the tasks of the public service and exercise the tasks entrusted to him, within the framework of respecting his professional obligations. Therefore, the legislator and the organizer decided to protect this obligation by providing for a disciplinary penalty in the form of an administrative penalty, represented by dismissal from the job for an exclusive reason, represented by the presence of the employee in a position of neglect of the position, which is based on the employee's absence without acceptable justification for a period of 15 consecutive days, after the establishment of the administration The inspection procedures and then issuing two excuses to the concerned person in order to join his work position, after which an administrative decision is issued to dismiss the employee due to negligence of the position by the authority with the power to appoint, and in view of the seriousness of the legal effects of dismissal, especially المحتویات ھرسف 89 the denial of employment again, the legislator has decided to provide the employee with legal guarantees in the face of the administration, which precede the issuance of the dismissal decision, through the need for prior warnings and the reasoning of the dismissal decision in addition to contemporary and subsequent guarantees for the issuance of the dismissal decision, which are that the employee must be notified of the dismissal decision and be enabled to have the right to administrative grievance and judicial appeal, and after the issuance of the dismissal decision, he arranges Mutual legal and financial implications in the face of management and the employee. Keywords : Dismissal of Employee, Neglect of Position, Executive Decree 17-321, Order 06-03.