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    الحماية القانونية لذوي االحتياجات الخاصة في الجزائر
    (جامعة المسيلة, 2024) بوكاري مباركة
    This study aims to shed light on the legal protection of people with special needs in Algeria, with a focus on the civil and penal legal frameworks, through which we tried to answer a problem centered around the manifestations of this protection and the extent of its effectiveness, by dividing our topic into two chapters; In the first, we review the civil aspects of protection for this group, and in the second, the criminal aspects of this protection, by relying on both descriptive and analytical approaches, as they are the most appropriate for such studies. Through our methods on this topic, we have reached a number of results, the most prominent of which is that enhancing legal protection for people with special needs requires effective implementation of existing legislation and the development of comprehensive policies and programs that guarantee their rights.
  • ItemOpen Access
    دور التمويل الذاتي للجماعات المحلية في دعم التنمية المحلية المستدامة - دراسة حالة بلدية عين الخضراء في الفترة 6161-6102
    (جامعة المسيلة, 2024) امال بطوش. كريمة بركات
    هدفت الدراسة الح لية لظ معرفة ويف يسصر التموي الذاتي ى ظ تحوي التنمية المح ية المستدامة في ا دية ىين الخضرا حيث تمن في الفي األو اتن و اإله ر النظري وذل من خل التهر لظ م هية الجم ى ت المح ية صم التموي الذاتي ل جم ى ت المح ية وأخيرا التنمية المستدامة أم الفي الص ني فو ن ىا رة ىن دراسة ح لة حيث هاوت الدراسة ى ظ ا دية ىين الخضرا اوزية المسي ة وذل من خل تح ي الاي ن ت الم لية والمع وم ت المت حة حو الجم ىة المح ية ومخ ريع التنموية لنخ د لظ أن ل تموي الذاتي ل جم ى ت المح ية أهمية وايرة في تع ي الودرة التموي ية ل جم ى ت المح ية وتنفيذ مخ ري التنمية و اواسهة التموي الذاتي و نت الجم ىة المح ية ت درة ى ظ ت اية احتي ج ت الم لية اخو مستو وتحسين الانية التحتية والخدم ت المح ية ا إلض فة لظ تع ي الخف فية ج ار ات الم ارجعة وهذا أدم لظ والمس لة في دارة الموارد الم لية. تم تحسين آلي ت التو رير الم لية وا ي دة الصوة اين الجم ىة المح ية والمواهنين Study summary: The current study aimed to find out how self-financing affects sustainable local development in the municipality of Ain Al-Gaddah community ", where in chapter I we addressed the theoretical framework by addressing what communities are and then self-financing of local communities and finally sustainable development, The second chapter was a case study where the study was applied to the municipality of Ain al-Khadra in the state of Mesaila by analysing financial data and available information about the community and its development projects, To conclude that community selffinancing is of great importance in strengthening communities' funding capacity and implementing development projects s financial needs and improved local infrastructure and services, as well as enhanced transparency and accountability in the management of financial resources. Financial reporting mechanisms and audit procedures have been improved, resulting in increased trust between the community and citizens
  • ItemOpen Access
    حماية الملكية الفكرية في التشريع االجزائري واالتفاقيات الدولية
    (جامعة المسيلة, 2024) لعالوي وصال ✓ أوذينةمنال
    Information and creativity are considered the fruits of human thought, which later turn into a stock of knowledge that the nation benefits from and derives from it everything it needs to function in life. Therefore, the belonging of these ideas to their original owners must be recognized, and this is through their representation of their innovative works and their acquisition of intellectual property rights, but recognition is not enough. Due to the importance of these intellectual developments, as they have influenced the cultural and civilizational level of peoples, and have even contributed to the development of the modern economic system, which has prompted the international community to call for treaties and agreements to protect intellectual property rights from all forms of abuse. We do not deny that interest in protecting intellectual production has been present since ancient times, but it was not clearly apparent. This protection emerged in a tangible way in the wake of the Industrial Revolution and the technological innovations and inventions that accompanied it, especially with the dominance of the Internet over these rights and its becoming in a digital environment. Hence, intellectual property rights, both literary and artistic, represented by copyright and related rights, as well as industrial rights, mainly represented by patents, received the attention of countries and were granted protection at the national and international levels. We find that the Algerian legislator has organized legislation on intellectual property issues and given it great importance by addressing most of the crimes affecting it and has approved penal protection and judicial and administrative measures for it by establishing special laws and regulations to protect it from all forms of abuse. This is in keeping
  • ItemOpen Access
    حماية الملكية الفكرية في التشريع الجزائري واالتفاقيات الدولية
    (جامعة المسيلة, 2024) لعالوي وصال ✓ أوذينةمنال
    Information and creativity are considered the fruits of human thought, which later turn into a stock of knowledge that the nation benefits from and derives from it everything it needs to function in life. Therefore, the belonging of these ideas to their original owners must be recognized, and this is through their representation of their innovative works and their acquisition of intellectual property rights, but recognition is not enough. Due to the importance of these intellectual developments, as they have influenced the cultural and civilizational level of peoples, and have even contributed to the development of the modern economic system, which has prompted the international community to call for treaties and agreements to protect intellectual property rights from all forms of abuse. We do not deny that interest in protecting intellectual production has been present since ancient times, but it was not clearly apparent. This protection emerged in a tangible way in the wake of the Industrial Revolution and the technological innovations and inventions that accompanied it, especially with the dominance of the Internet over these rights and its becoming in a digital environment. Hence, intellectual property rights, both literary and artistic, represented by copyright and related rights, as well as industrial rights, mainly represented by patents, received the attention of countries and were granted protection at the national and international levels. We find that the Algerian legislator has organized legislation on intellectual property issues and given it great importance by addressing most of the crimes affecting it and has approved penal protection and judicial and administrative measures for it by establishing special laws and regulations to protect it from all forms of abuse. This is in keeping
  • ItemOpen Access
    حماية الملكية الفكرية في التشريع الجزائري واالتفاقيات الدولية
    (جامعة المسيلة, 2024) لعالوي وصال ✓ أوذينةمنال
  • ItemOpen Access
    الدور الاستشاري لمجلس الدولة
    (جامعة المسيلة, 2024) لمين زوبير - قطوش خالد
    The Algerian State Council establishment was an entity that supported the activities of administrative judicial bodies as per the Article 152 of the 1996 constitutional amendment, which laid the foundation for the dual judicial system. Article 119 of the amendment and Article 04 of Organic Law 98-01 assigned the State Council the task of providing advisory opinions, expressing its views on draft laws presented by the government. With the 2016 constitutional amendment, its advisory function expanded to include presidential orders, as per Article 142, and the same article number in the 2020 constitution, as well as Article 14 of Amended and Supplementary Organic Law 18-02 to Organic Law 98-01, granting it advisory tasks for government draft laws and presidential orders (excluding orders in exceptional circumstances).
  • ItemOpen Access
    آليات التعويض في الحبس المؤقت
    (جامعة المسيلة, 2024) بوقرة إبراهيم - ملياني محمد
    Provisional detention, as a precautionary measure, is used to ensure the proper administration of justice and to prevent the accused from fleeing or interfering with investigations. However, it can lead to serious huma rights violations if not applied cautiously and in accordance with principles of justice. Based on the principle of state responsibility for judicial error, the Algerian legislator has recognized the right to compensation for provisional detention that ends without prosecution, causing significant and distinct harm to the accused. According to Law 01/08 dated 26/04/2001, a Compensation Committee was established at the level of the Supreme Court. This law defined its composition and duties, giving it a civil nature and making its decisions final and not subject to appeal. This was followed by Executive Decree 10/117 dated 21/04/2010, which specified the method of compensation payment to the injured party by the Treasury Secretary. However, it did not specify the criteria that the committee should use to determine the amount of compensation.
  • ItemOpen Access
    النفقة في القانون الجزائري
    (جامعة المسيلة, 2024) ترجــــــات ســعيد
    Alimony is considered one of the most important topics that the legislator must pay attention to because it is considered one of the necessities of life, because it contains important elements that a person cannot do without. It is what a person spends on his wife, his children, his relatives, and his kingdoms, such as food, clothing, housing, and services. The Algerian legislator has devoted articles to alimony in the Family Law, which stipulate to whom it is due, to whom it is due, the time at which it is due, how it is estimated, and the elements it includes. However, these articles remain insufficient given the importance of this subject, as the legislator stipulated in Article 222 of the law. The family has the right to refer to the provisions of Islamic Sharia in the absence of a legal text. The legislator also established articles that protect this right and punish anyone who abstains from performing it. This is what the Algerian legislator decided through the text of Article 331 of the Penal Code. Finally, the approach taken by the Algerian legislator on this issue is consistent with everything stated in the provisions of Islamic law, which aims to protect the right to maintenance.
  • ItemOpen Access
    عصابات الأحیاء في التشریع الجزائري
    (جامعة المسيلة, 2024) غدير فاطنة
    The phenomenon of neighborhood gangs represents a social dilemma at the international and national levels in particular, as it has imposed on all working bodies to sound the alarm, as these criminal groups pose a threat to the security and stability of societies, as the Algerian legislator addressed this phenomenon by issuing Order n° 20-03 issued in August 2020 on the prevention and control of neighborhood gangs. This studyaims to highlight the policy of the Algerian legislator in criminalizing neighborhood gangs, and to know the deterrent policy adopted by the Algerian legislator to confront these gangs. This study concluded the need for strict application of the provisions of Ordinance n° 20-03 and the adoption of an effective economic policy to eliminate the problems facing young people, such as unemployment, as well as to providecomprehensivesecuritycoveragewithinresidentialneighborhoods to limit the spread of this phenomenon. Key words :neighborhood gangs, Algerian legislation, security and stability,
  • ItemOpen Access
    واجب التحفظ في الوظيفة العمومية
    (جامعة المسيلة, 2024) العلمي صورية - مفتاح العطرة
    The duty of discretion is a job duty that is characterized by flexibility, smoothness, and connection with all job duties in a direct or implicit way. It is adhered to by all employees, regardless of their rank or career path. It is a duty characterized by permanence during the performance of job duties or separation from them. The duty of discretion is adapted within... The four degrees of functional errors are according to the seriousness of the error. It is also classified as a felony or misdemeanor, according to the general damage caused by breaching this duty. Criminal penalties are prescribed for him, and penalties that affect his job status result from reprimand to dismissal.
  • ItemOpen Access
    الحماية القانونية للحق في الحياة الخاصة
    (جامعة المسيلة, 2024) حرحوز زهرة
    Le droit à la vie privée est l'un des droits les plus importants liés à la dignité humaine et, avec le progrès technologique, ce droit est devenu vulnérable aux violations. Ainsi, nous avons assisté à des efforts législatifs, notamment dans le droit algérien, cherchant à protéger et à respecter ce droit comme un devoir constitutionnel qui doit être préservé. Des définitions jurisprudentielles de ce droit ont été fournies dans le premier chapitre, où il est défini comme le droit qui garantit à son propriétaire une vie sûre et sans interférence. Dans le deuxième chapitre, la protection juridique du droit à la vie privée a été abordée sous ses différents aspects juridiques, judiciaires, procéduraux et pénaux. Le droit à la vie privée reste un droit essentiel qui doit être protégé à tout moment et en tout lieu. L'étude se termine par des recommandations qui mettent l'accent sur la criminalisation de toute violation de ce droit sous toutes ses formes et types.
  • ItemOpen Access
    اتفاق التحكيم التجاري الدولي في التشريع الج ازئري
    (جامعة المسيلة, 2024) قيشي نبيلة
    نظرا ألن التحكيم يلعب دورا فعاال في مجال التجارة الدولية، فهو منصوص عليه في كل من القانون الج ازئري و القوانين الدولية، وبما أن اتفاق التحكيم يحاول إقامة العدل بين الطرفين بدال من محاولة االلتزام باعتبارات قانونية خاصة، فقد تم العثور على خصوصيته حتى اآلن في القانون الدولي، إن اتفاقية التحكيم هي التي ال تزال مثيرة للجدل، وبالتالي تجد ثغرات تسمح لألطراف باإلنحراف والتالعب بالقواعد التي تحكمها ، وبما أن اتفاقية التحكيم هي عقد، أود أن ألفت انتباه الباحثين من خالل التطرق إلى جميع القضايا والنقاط المتعلقة بهذه االتفاقية ، بحيث تكون جميع القواعد منصوص عليها في القانون، باإلضافة إلى ما قد تفرضه االتفاقية المنصوص عليها في ق.م ، تشكل هذه االتفاقية أساس نظام قضائي خاص وهي الطريقة المفضلة لحل النزاعات الدولية، ولكن تعزيز هذه االتفاقية يجب أن يحترم تأثيره على األطراف واالمتثال لقواعد التجارة دولي ة. الكلمات المفتاحية : اتفاقية التحكيم ، القرار التح كيمي ، التشريع الجزائر ي ، التجارة الدولية Abstract Since arbitration plays an effective role in the field of international trade, it is stipulated in both Algerian law and international laws and since the arbitration agreement attempts to establish justice between the parties rather than trying to adhere to special legal considerations, its specificity has so far been found in international law. The arbitration agreement is the one that remains controversial and therefore finds loopholes that allow the parties to deviate and manipulate the rules that govern it. Since the arbitration agreement is a contract, I would like to draw the attention of researchers by addressing all the issues and points related to this agreement, so that all the rules are stipulated In law, in addition to what may be imposed by the agreement established in civil law, the agreement forms the basis of a special judicial system and is the preferred method for resolving international disputes, but the promotion of this agreement must respect its effect on the parties and comply with the rules of international trade. Keywords: arbitration agreement, arbitration decision, Algerian legislation, international trade
  • ItemOpen Access
    التنظيم القانوني للحق في الإضراب
    (جامعة المسيلة, 2024) حويشي قادة صيدون علي
    The issue of the legal regulation of the right to strike is one of the most problematic legal and practical issues, both in the past and in the present times, and this is what prompted the Algerian legislator to issue legal texts to regulate the right to strike. The aim of the study of this research is to clarify the various provisions related to the strike, starting the research with the definition of the right to strike, the conditions for its exercise, and the various legal procedures to be followed in order to exercise it within the framework that the legislator has singled out and enshrined in the labor legislative system, and the research also includes exposure to the system of settling the exercise of this right by studying the preventive measures of the strike and ways to settle it in a way that ensures the balance of interests, workers and the body used.
  • ItemOpen Access
    دور الحوكمة البيئية في تحقيق التنمية المستدامة
    (جامعة المسيلة, 2024) بوعشرين موسى -لوصيف فيصل
    In the context of the growing international awareness of the importance of environmental conservation, global environmental governance has emerged and become a global demand, with increasing focus on the mechanisms that facilitate its activation across various parts of the world. The environment has become one of the most significant topics of global concern due to its negative repercussions. Therefore, this study aims to address the issue of the extent to which environmental governance contributes to achieving sustainable development by providing a theoretical framework that defines both terms, and by attempting to understand the importance of environmental governance within the efforts of the United Nations and global environmental protection. Additionally, it highlights the role of global environmental governance actors in achieving sustainable development. The study concludes by emphasizing the necessity of activating the role of environmental governance as a global system and mechanism to achieve sustainable development that ensures the rights of future generations and mitigates the obstacles and challenges that hinder its effectiveness. Key words: environment, governance, environmental governance, sustainable development.
  • ItemOpen Access
    دور المخطط البلدي في التنمية المستدامة
    (جامعة المسيلة, 2024) امساعد خديجة - عبد المجيد يمينة
    This study aims to highlight the role of the municipal plan in achieving sustainable development, as municipal plans are one of the most important means that aim to embody local development through the involvement of the municipality in the development planning process and the implementation of the general development policy, municipal plans are only an embodiment of the state's policy directed to municipalities, but this assignment provided to the municipality is subject to the means of development management, as well as the necessary material and human capabilities, and the performance of municipal plans is affected by the degree of independence of the municipality in decision- making, it must be It provides independence to a extent that allows it to perform its tasks freely and democratically and to follow scientific methods in planning various development programs and plans that require more freedom in determining local needs, including achieving sustainable development .
  • ItemOpen Access
    النظام القانوني للمسنين في التشريع الجزائري
    (جامعة المسيلة, 2024) حليمـــــة سعود - ريحانة بن فيسة
    األسرة هي األساس األول للمجتمع، وتتكون من مجموعة من األشخاص تربطهم عالقات تتكون بشكل رئيسي من جذور وفروع. لكي تنشأ أسرة سليمة، عليها أن تبني حياتها على العالقات السليمة، وأهمية التنسيق والتعاون وحسن التربية والسلوك وخاصة للجيل الناشئ تجنب كل شيء يؤثر على أمن األسرة ضد المشاكل االجتماعية. يتعلق موضوع هذا البحث بالحماية القانونية للمسنين وبحسب التشريع الجزائري فإن هذه الحماية واضحة لكبار السن في مجال الحماية داخل المجتمع أو خارجه. الكلمات المفتاحية: المسنين، الحماية القانونية، النظام القانوني، التشريع الجزائري. Abstract: The family is the first foundation of society, and consists of a group of people linked by relationships that consist mainly of roots and branches. In order for a healthy family to arise, it must build its life on healthy relationships, the importance of coordination, cooperation, good upbringing and behavior, especially for the younger generation, avoiding everything that affects the security of the family against social problems. The subject of this research is related to the legal protection of the elderly, and according to Algerian legislation, this protection is clear for the elderly in the field of protection inside or outside society. Keywords: the elderly, legal protection, legal system, Algerian legislation
  • ItemOpen Access
    مبدأ حياد الإدارة في التشريع الجزائري
    (جامعة المسيلة, 2024) ديلمي جليلة . زيرق سهام
    The principle of administrative neutrality in Algerian legislation is one of the fundamental principles to ensure that the decisions and actions of the public administration are based on objective and legal standards, away from any external influences, whether political or personal. This principle aims to enhance justice and equality among citizens and to ensure trust in public institutions. Studying the principle of administrative neutrality is important to understand how it is applied in the Algerian legal system and to identify the challenges it faces. The research aims to evaluate the extent of the administration's commitment to this principle and to provide recommendations to improve its implementation and ensure its effectiveness. The study indicates that there are legal texts ensuring administrative neutrality, but practical application may face challenges such as political pressures and corruption. The study recommends enhancing oversight and accountability mechanisms to ensure compliance with the principle and achieve justice and equality among citizens.
  • ItemOpen Access
    السلطة التقدیرة لقاضي شؤون الأسرة في فك الرابطة الزوجية وآثارها
    (جامعة المسيلة, 2024) زوينة غالية
    تعتـبر الرابطـة الزوجيـة مـن أقـدم الأنظمـة الـتي عرفهـا الانسـان، هتـدف إلى تحقيـق السـكينة والاسـتقرار وتكمن أهميتها في كو�ا سبب وجود البشرية واستمرارها، وأهم ما يميـز العلاقـة بـين الأزواج طـابع الخصوصـية والسـرية الـذي لا يسـمح للغـير ابلتـدخل في حيـاهتم وشـؤو�م حـتى في حالـة اسـتفحال المشـاكل بيـنهم، الأمـر الذي يؤدى غالبا الى حصول الطلاق وفك الرابطة الزوجية. لذا فقد منح القانون الجزائـري سـلطات لقاضـي شـؤون الأسـرة قصـد التصـدي لهـذه الخلافـات، لـذا فقـد جاءت معظم قواعد قـانون الأسـرة مرنـة اتركـة مجـالا خصـبا لتـدخل القاضـي مـن خـلال مـا يتمتـع بـه مـن سـلطة تقديرية حسب كـل قضـية معروضـة عليـه، فقـد وسـع قـانون الأسـرة الجزائـري مـن تـدخل القاضـي لإيجـاد الحلـول المناسـبة للمشـاكل الـتي فرضـها تطـور الـزمن، وهـذا ابسـتعمال سـلطته التقديريـة ابلبحـث عـن العـلاج المناسـب لكل عارض قد يعترض استقرار الأسرة أو يهدد مصالحها. summary : The marital bond is considered one of the oldest systems known to man. It aims to achieve peace and stability, and its importance lies in the fact that it is the reason for the existence and continuity of humanity. The most important thing that distinguishes the relationship between spouses is the nature of privacy and secrecy that does not allow others to interfere in their lives and affairs, even in the event of serious problems between them. Which often leads to divorce and the dissolution of the marital bond. Therefore, Algerian law has granted powers to the family affairs judge in order to address these disputes. Therefore, most of the rules of family law are flexible, leaving fertile room for the intervention of the judge through the discretionary authority he enjoys according to each case before him. The Algerian family law has expanded the intervention of the judge to find Appropriate solutions to the problems imposed by the development of time, by using his discretion to search for the appropriate treatment for every symptom that may hinder the stability of the family or threaten its interests
  • ItemOpen Access
    الصلح في قضاء شؤون االسرة الجزائري
    (جامعة المسيلة, 2024) بوصبع اسمهان - عيبوط حياة
    Reconciliation in Algerian family law is a vital legal mechanism aimed at resolving family disputes amicably, away from the courts, helping to maintain family ties and reduce legal disputes. Reconciliation is addressed in several articles of the Family Code, such as Article 49, which requires the court to attempt reconciliation between spouses before ruling on divorce cases. Reconciliation procedures include the offer of reconciliation by the judge, holding reconciliation sessions, and documenting the reconciliation agreement to make it binding. The judge acts as a neutral mediator to bridge differences. The benefits of reconciliation include saving time and effort, reducing costs, and maintaining the confidentiality of disputes. However, challenges such as the lack of cooperation between parties and the lack of awareness of the importance of reconciliation can hinder its effectiveness.
  • ItemOpen Access
    الحماية القانونية للمستهلك في ظل عقود التجارة اإللكترونية
    (جامعة المسيلة, 2024) _ولهة شيماء _شريف ريان
    دى التطور التكنولوجي الهائل إلى تغييرات كبيرة في النظام القانوني للعقود التقليدية، مما أدى إلى ظهور التعامالت التجارية اإللكترونية. هذه المعامالت، التي تجري في عالم افت ارضي دون وجود مادي لألط ارف، جلبت تحديات اقتصادية وتنظيمية كبيرة. لذا، أصبح من الضروري إيجاد آليات قانونية لحماية المستهلك، الطرف األضعف في هذه العالقة، ا من المرحلة السابقة لتكوينه وصوًال إلى تنفيذ االلت ازمات ً تشمل جميع م ارحل العقد بدء الناشئة عنه، لضمان حقوق المستهلك وتعزيز الثقة في المعامالت اإللكترونية. الكلمات المفتاحية : حماية المستهلك ، التجارة اإللكترونية ، العقد اإللكتروني Abstract : The tremendous technological development has led to major changes in the legal system of traditional contracts, leading to the emergence of electronic business transactions. These transactions, which take place in a virtual world without the physical presence of the parties, have brought significant economic and regulatory challenges. Therefore, it has become necessary to find legal mechanisms to protect the consumer, the weaker party in this relationship, that include all stages of the contract, starting from the stage preceding its formation up to the implementation of the obligations arising from it, to guarantee consumer rights and enhance confidence in electronic transactions. Keywords : Protection des consommateurs, Commerce électronique, Contrat électroniqu