العدد 08

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    ولاية التزويج في الإجتهاد الفقهي وقانون الاسرة الجزائري
    (Université de M'sila,univ-msila.dz, 2018-03) بن صغير, محفوظ
    The right way and the most reliable way to determine the necessity of this guardianship or not is to seek it in the sources of Shari'ah and its origins, and to adhere to its precepts and traditions in order to translate the Islamic conception of the family system and its association with society. The guardian is an essential element of the legitimate truth of marriage, Family construction means unity, cohesion and family cohesion. There is no doubt that the meaning of the consideration of the guardian in the marriage is a constant meaning in order to achieve the benefits and to prevent the evils of the family and society. Although the Algerian legislator has permitted women to marry themselves by choosing any person to take over their marriage contract, the apparent wisdom of the guardian's legality in marriage calls for women not to be separated by their husband's contract. The guardianship will serve the interests of those who are misled by their minds, And the judge, when he takes over the interests of his finance as a marriage, takes care of herself and her, and does not offer to marry only those who achieve the condition of efficiency and adequacy
  • ItemOpen Access
    موقف القاضي الجزائري إزاء أداء الشاهد غير المسلم اليمين
    (Université de M'sila,univ-msila.dz, 2018-03) شمام, منير
    The testimony is a way of proof used by the magistrate .to discover the truth on makes them conflicting. it’s for that reason that the judge absolutely has to make cross the oath in the first one before hearing the testimony at the possible nullity, But the veal difficulty which settles to the magistrate it’s to be confront in one witness which practices another religion atheistic witness the Algerian constitution of which protects from the relious not discrimination and from the freedom to think. This does not preclude considering that the right-hand of the witness who does not believe in the existence of God has no legal value, and this is because it strips the primary objective of directing the oath, which is to push the conscience of the witness to say the truth for fear of God's punishment.
  • ItemOpen Access
    مظاهر التداخل في الإختصاص بين مجلس المنافسة و سلطات الضبط القطاعية
    (Université de M'sila,univ-msila.dz, 2018-03) صديق, سهام
    La diversité des autorités administratives régularisant l’activité économique a conduit à un chevauchement de spécialité entre elles, d’une manière apparente dans la relation entre le conseil du concurrence comme spécialiste d’ une manière générale par régulariser la concurrence dans le marché et le reste des autorités sectorielles spécialiste aussi dans la régularisation des secteurs qu’ elle contrôle.
  • ItemOpen Access
    مشروعية التدخل و إنتهاك سيادة الدولة
    (Université de M'sila,univ-msila.dz, 2018-03) بن دخان, رتيبة
    That sovereignty Is the point Core In understanding the state They are that Distinguish Country And shape And supports Independence And harmony And the stability of, They are greatest Power Jail , Power the college, And from Characteristics It Divorced Non Specific , And others met him Convertible Nor For division And retail, if the international intervention is an act carried out by the State to intervene in the internal affairs of another state through violation of its sovereignty and thus is a description of the exercise of public authority by the State on the territory of another State without the consent of the latter, whatever the form of intervention, whatever its causes legitimate or not legitimate, although the principle of non - intervention is one of the basic principles of international law.
  • ItemOpen Access
    مبدا المساواة بين الزوجين في الحقوق الزوجية بين الشريعة والقانون
    (Université de M'sila,univ-msila.dz, 2018-03) كركوري, مباركة حنان
    Women's issues have become one of the most important issues that preoccupied the world since more than a century in general and particularly the Islamic World It is an issue that deserves attention and study because women represent half of society that lagged behind society as a whole and to the development of society as a whole, developed Nevertheless, the question of equality between spouses has gained considerable attention in the provisions of the Islamic Sharia in the financial rights of non-financial rights but separated the clear provisions explain the nature of equality in these rights and limits. It also drew the attention of the party legal scholars in international conventions and national legislation that emphasized the importance of women's rights and the principle of equality between spouses
  • ItemOpen Access
    ضمانات جذب الإستثمار الأجنبي للجزائر على ضوء القانون09/16 المتعلق بترقية الإستثمار
    (Université de M'sila,univ-msila.dz, 2018-03) لبيك, شوقي
    La direction de l’investissement dans un pays donné dépend du groupe d’incitation et de facteur fourni par les pays concernés pour l’attirer et de la suppression des barrières et des obstacles qui se trouvent d’un couté à l’autre. L’Algérie fait partie des pays qui s’efforcent d’attirer les investisseurs étrangers de diverses manières qui comprend la loi 16/09 sur la promotion des investissements du chapitre 4 contient un ensemble de garanties notamment les dispositions de l’article 22 sur le principe de la stabilité des dispositions de la loi applicable et l’article 23 sur les garanties d’expropriation. Cependant, la question demeure sur l’impact de ces garanties sur l’attraction des investissements étrangers et l’économie nationale.
  • ItemOpen Access
    رقابة المجلس الدستوري على صحة الإنتخابات الرئاسية في الجزائر من خلال التعديل الدستوري لسنة 2016
    (Université de M'sila,univ-msila.dz, 2018-03) ضرفي, نادية; دراج, عبد الوهاب
    The Algerian Constitutional Council oversees the validity of the process of electing the President of the Republic. This jurisdiction is granted to him by the Constitution. He is organized by the organic law relating to the electoral system No. 16-10 and the specific rules of the Constitutional Council. He therefore monitors the beginning of the statements by candidates nominated by the General Secretariat of the Constitutional Council, It also monitors the appeals submitted by the candidates in the interim results of the presidential elections and separates them. The Constitutional Council also supervises the accounts of the electoral campaigns and their means of financing. It should be noted that the decisions of the Constitutional Council in this regard The not subject to any control and can not be challenged pursuant to Article 191 of the Algerian Constitution of 1996, as amended and supplemented
  • ItemOpen Access
    دور المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة في تحقيق الإقلاع الاقتصادي
    (Université de M'sila,univ-msila.dz, 2018-03) جليل, مونية
    In view of international trends in the globalization of economic activities and to achieve openness between markets and the implementation of free competition, it has become necessary to rely on small and medium enterprises, and to focus on their role in achieving of growth and development, and considering the possession of efficiency and speed to cope with the economic environment variables unlike the previous outlook, which consider industries and large enterprises as a portal for overall economic development. It has become inevitable today in the world to focus on investment policy in small and medium-sized enterprises according to its important role in the development of the economy in general and the industrial sector in particular, thanks has its economic and social benefits and characteristics that will enable them to make a significant contribution to reducing unemployment and increasing the value added of the economy, provided that the environment is conducive to growth in light of the international trends of globalization. The purpose of this study is to try to highlight the role and importance of these institutions and their contribution to economic and social development, as well as the depth of the challenges that the development and survival of these companies are facing in Algeria. in particular the negative role of banks, which have practically discouraged investors through a bureaucratic and counter-productive lending policy.
  • ItemOpen Access
    دور القاضر الإداري في الكشف عن عيب مخالفة القانون في القرارات التي يصدرها الوالي
    (Université de M'sila,univ-msila.dz, 2018-03) بوقرة, إسماعيل; قليل, علاء الدين
    The wali is the fundamental authority in the province. He represents the hub of all the policies and the programs which executed and implemented by the State. In the sense he has the ability to set administrative laws and decisions which might affect the legal status of individuals. In this case we will concern our study with some legal circumstances in which the administration judging intervenes to protect individuals’ rights and liberties from flaw hiked decisions issued by the wali in term of law violation
  • ItemOpen Access
    الهجرة غير الشرعية: إنعكاساتها الأمنية وسبل مكافتها بين الواقع و التحديات
    (Université de M'sila,univ-msila.dz, 2018-03) جندلي, وريدة
    Illegal migration is no longer a social issue, but rather a security issue as a result of the security effects it produces for the receiving countries, particularly the large number of crimes committed by illegal immigrants, as well as the emergence of terrorist networks. Criminalize illegal immigration, take action and establish mechanisms to combat illegal immigration.
  • ItemOpen Access
    الفساد المالي و علاقته بالقتصاد الموازي في الجزائر
    (Université de M'sila,univ-msila.dz, 2018-03) بوقصة, إيمان
    The beginning of the emergence of black markets in Algeria to the seventies, as a result of which emerged a significant difference between the decreasing supply of food commodities and the increasing demand for them, in contrast the decline of agricultural production, where were sold in the market various food commodities at higher prices compared to prices in the official market, which was supported by State in that period. The informal sector began to emerge in the mid-1980s after the economic crisis, which resulted in the emergence of several negative factors that had a significant impact on the profitability of the national economy. This led Algeria to turn to reforms that resulted in changing the socialist system followed by adopting a market economy system. In one way or another on the spread of corruption in various forms in Algeria, and financial corruption in particular and its financial impact on the national economy.
  • ItemOpen Access
    التلوث الإلكتروني اليات الوقاية و الحماية و التحول الى التكنولوجيا النظيفة
    (Université de M'sila,univ-msila.dz, 2018-03) فوزي أحمد عوض حمود, أمل
    Electronic pollution has devastating effects and its consequences are extremely dangerous to humans and the surrounding environment.Now, what is the way to protect ourselves? Is it legal? M technology? Um slokia? Or abandon the use of products of modern civilization or all of the above?Safe disposal of electronic waste for electrical appliances, especially computer and television, is recommended through the recycling of its components. Efforts must be made at the individual and collective level, and then at the Local and international level, so that these wastes can be controlled and disposed of with minimal damage.
  • ItemOpen Access
    التفاوض على الإعتراف
    (Université de M'sila,univ-msila.dz, 2018-03) بن جبل, العيد
    Cet article traite du système de Comparution sur reconnaissance préalable de culpabilité «plea bargaining», où le procureur négocie avec l'accusé pour admettre l'accusation, en échange de certains avantages de l'affaire, comme la commutation de la peine, qui est ensuite soumise à l'approbation du juge, Selon ce système, les procédures normales de l'affaire criminelle sont abandonnées, ce qui entraîne un gain d'effort, de temps et de dépenses.
  • ItemOpen Access
    التعسف في إستعنال الحق الإجرائي
    (Université de M'sila,univ-msila.dz, 2018-03) مجاجي, سعاد
    Des le lancement du procès civil chacun des deux parties de l’action tend d’utiliser diverses instruments pour obtenir gain de cause et sans pour autant se soucier si son motif soit légal ou pas, et bien que le droit de recourir aux procédures soit légitime, l’élargissement de se droit n’empêche pas l’excès de son usage jusqu’au point de l’abus et le détournement menant pour obstruction à la justice et agissant de manière négative sur l’étendue de garantie au droit d’ester en justice. La théorie de l’abus de droit en général ou le droit processuel notamment peut servir de base pour affiner le comportement de l’adversaire au cours de l’instance et statuer pour l’indemnisation des préjudices causés par l’auteur de l’abus envers la partie adverse.
  • ItemOpen Access
    إستعمال النقود الالكترونية وسبل حمايتها
    (Université de M'sila,univ-msila.dz, 2018-03) معداوي, نجية
    This study dealt with the concept of electronic money which emerged as a result of the revolution of technology and the spread of e-commerce phenomenon and as a tool of fulfillment, the latter imposed on various banking and non-bank institutions to deal with electronic money, which had advantages and risks to the borrowers in the money market took into account.
  • ItemOpen Access
    أثر العولمة على الأسرة و دور التشريع في حمايتها
    (Université de M'sila, 2018-03) رحماني, نجية
    la famille est le Noyau de la société et sa premier cellule, son rôle est si important qu’elle influe à tous les domaines En fait, la famille est, aujourd'hui, plus que jamais, exposée à plusieurs périls qui menacent son existence, et cela dons un monde qui vit dans la mondialisation. Il est vrai que toutes les lois et textes se sont intéressées à la famille et cela dans une vue intellectuelle et religieuse propre à chaque civilisation ; et que l’islam l’a surestimée et en magnifiquement pris soin. Cependant, la famille notamment celle qui est musulmane connais, actuellement, plusieurs menaces. Nous avons donc fixé comme objectif, dans cette recherche, de montrer tous les problèmes et les crises les plus graves qui tourmentent la famille dans cette ère de mondialisation ; ensuite, nous avons jugé utile de connaitre la position du législateur qui s’est distingué par ses projets de modification des lois de familles en Algérie et dans de nombreux pays islamiques en s’appuyant sur la charià.
  • ItemOpen Access
    La Gestion de la Carrière Administrative en Algérie: Cas d’Enseignent Chercheur
    (Université de M'sila, 2018-03) بوغازي, سماعين; عمراني, مصطفى
    La gestion de la carrière administrative est une tache très importante dans la carrière professionnelle de l’enseignant-chercheur en Algérie. Pour cela, on a consacré cette étude sur les pratiques, les enjeux et les perspectives de cette gestion dans toutes ces étapes en s’appuyant sur les normes juridiques et réglementaires et leur évolution. Cette étude analyse aussi la gestion de la carrière administrative de l’enseignant-chercheur du recrutement jusqu’à la cessation de la relation fonctionnelle avec son employeur. Nous souhaitons toute fois mettre en lumière les étapes les plus importantes dans la vie professionnelle de l‘enseignant-chercheur, au regard des politiques de mobilité et d’évaluation des performances au sein de l’établissement universitaire, et cela à travers une meilleure prise en considération des aspirations des enseignants-chercheurs dans une perspective d’amélioration du secteur de l’enseignement supérieur en Algérie.