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Item Open Access The United States Presidency between Dementia and Wisdom | Revisiting the Politics of Age in the post-Trump Era |(university of M'sila, 2024-06) BAALI Smain & BENTOUMI SamyAbstract This study explores the impact of age-related issues on presidential leadership, with a focus on historical precedents, theoretical models, and contemporary case studies of Donald Trump and Joe Biden. By analyzing the cognitive abilities and media portrayals of these leaders, we gain insights into how age and mental health influence public perception and political narratives. Historical case studies of Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan provide context for understanding the long-standing relevance of age in presidential health. Theoretical frameworks on aging and cognition are employed to elucidate the complex interplay between aging, cognitive decline, and decision- making in high-stress environments. The study further examines the role of media bias and public reaction in shaping the discourse around presidential fitness. Implications for future presidential candidates of advanced age are discussed, highlighting the need for balanced and ethical approaches to evaluating their cognitive and physical healthItem Open Access Archetypal Allegory: Harry Potter as the Modern-day Moses. A Comparative Study.(University of M’sila, 2024-06) Mrs. YAGOUBI Messaouda Mrs. DJAAFER AmiraAbstract This dissertation employs Archetypal Criticism to explore the portrayal of Harry Potter as a modern-day Prophet Moses in J.K. Rowling's renowned series. Through a comparative analysis, it delves into the shared Hero archetype manifested in both Potter and Moses’s narratives , unraveling their parallel journeys of destiny, adversity, and redemption. Drawing from mythological and religious symbolism, this study examines how Potter embodies characteristics of Moses (peace be upon him), such as his call to adventure, the guidance of mentors, and the confrontation of dark forces. By examining the narrative structure, character development, and thematic elements, this research clarifies the profound resonance between the two figures across religious, cultural and historical contexts. Ultimately, it argues that Harry Potter serves as a contemporary embodiment of the timeless Hero archetype, echoing the enduring significance of mythological motifs in shaping cultural narratives and identitiesItem Open Access الأبعاد التعليمية في المدونات الأندلسية أبو القاسم السهيلي-أنموذجا-(جامعة محمد بوضياف المسيلة, 2024-06-01) سمير صيودة; بن الصغير يوسفأجمع العلماء والدارسون على أن حفظ اللغة العربية، وحماية النص المقدس (القـرآن الكريم والحديث الشريف) من اللحن، هو الركيزة الرئيسية التي دفعت العلماء لوضع قواعـد النحـو. وبفضل هذه القواعد عرفت جميع أبواب العربية، من فاعل ومفعول ورفع ونصب، وغيرها.. فكانت قواعدهم بسـيطة وبعيدة عن التعقيد، في البداية، ثم مالت إلى التعقيد بعد ذلك. وقد جاءت هذه المذكرة لترصد بعض الجهود التي قام بها علماء النحـو في الأندلس، بغرض لتبسيط علم النحو. ومنها جهود العالم أبي القاسم السهيلي، الذي لمس صعوبة تلقين النحو للمتعلمين. وقد تنوعت جهود علماء الأندلس ومنهم السهيلي، لتشمل مختلف الطرائق التي تسهم في التيسير والتبسيط، وطرح بعض الإشكاليات، أهمها ما أشرنا إليه من خلال دراستنا لكتابه نتائج الفكر.Item Open Access الفهم القراني و مستوياته دراسة وصفية تحليلية من كتال اللغة العربية السنة الرابعة ابتدائي(جامعة محمد بوضياف المسيلة, 2024-06-01) إلهـام بن صفية; منـى بن صفيةلاشك أن العملية التربوية هي عملية مهمة بالنسبة لبناء الأمم، وتحتاج من كل الأطراف الفاعلة في المجال التربوي من معلمين أولياء ووزارة التربية وما يصدر عنها (المنهاج، الوثيقة المرافقة، الكتاب المدرسي) إلى بذل جهود عظيمة ومضنية في سبيل الارتقاء وإنجاح العملية التربوية، إذ يتضح من خلال هذا البحث في شقيه النظري والتطبيقي على كتاب السنة الرابعة ابتدائي أن نخلص في كون القراءة من أهم فنون اللغة التي يجب أن يكتسبها المتعلم باعتبارها السبيل إلى الخبرات والمعارف، حيث يحظى تعليمها بأهمية كبيرة في المرحلة الابتدائية باعتبارها أولى المراحل التي يتلقى فيها أبجدياتها، ولعل الغاية من القراءة الفهم القرآئي بمستوياته الدنيا والعليا التي تجعل من المتعلم قادرا على فهم النص التعليمي بكل أبعاده وغاياته واستخلاص القيم المبثوثة فيه، وهذا لا يتأتى إلا بتكوين المعلمين تكوينا جيدا يساير التغيير الحاصل على مستوى طرق التدريس الحديثة وأساليبها المتنوعة، أما بالنسبة للكتاب المدرسي فلا بد أن يواكب التطور التكنولوجي الحاصل على المستوى العالميItem Open Access The role of Pop songs' lyrics in enhancing EFL students' learning and use of colloquialisms. The case of third year students of English at M'sila university.(université mohamed boudiaf .m'sila, 2023-06) Ahmed MAHDI -Mohamed Zineddine SEDDIK, Dr. Aboubakr HAMOUDIABSTRACT : This research investigates the impact of English pop song lyrics on the development of colloquial language skills among English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners. The study involved 41 third-year EFL students at Mohamed Boudiaf University in Msila, who completed a questionnaire assessing their perceptions of the effectiveness of pop song lyrics in colloquial language learning. The findings reveal that participants have positive views about the educational value of pop song lyrics. They actively engage with song lyrics, consciously attempt to learn colloquial expressions, and comfortably incorporate them into their language use. Additionally, participants believe that pop song lyrics accurately represent real-world colloquial language and that exposure to various pop songs enhances their colloquial language competence and cross-cultural communication skills. These results highlight the potential benefits of incorporating pop song lyrics into EFL instruction. However, it's important to acknowledge the study's limitations, such as a relatively small sample size and a specific cultural context. Further research is needed to optimize language education methods and outcomes.Item Open Access La place de la culture algérienne d’expression française en compréhension de l’écrit dans le manuel scolaire en classe de FLE -Appartenance et risque culturels- Cas des apprenants de la 4ème année primaire Ecole primaire HADJEB Ahmed- M’SILADomaine(université mohamed boudiaf .m'sila, 2017-06) ARIOUA Safa, BENSEFA Youcef NabilRésumé : Notre travail de recherche aborde la place de culture algérienne dans le manuel scolaire de 4ème A.P. Par une démarche descriptive analytique, notre travail a essayé de répondre à la question suivante : Quelle place réserve la culture algérienne dans le nouveau manuel du FLE de 2ème génération de la 4ème année primaire ? Quelles sont les précautions prises en garde pour éviter les risques d’acculturation ? Afin de répondre à cette question, nous avons pris en compte des synthèses sur l’interculturel de façon générale et sur sa place dans la didactique du FLE en Algérie. Dans cette perspective, nous avons fait une étude de culturel dans ce manuel grâce à l’analyse de contenu .Nous avons présenté, en premier lieu, le manuel scolaire en faisant une description détaillée de ses différents aspects. Ensuite, nous avons analysé les différents textes choisis pour arriver à la fin à une synthèse et une lecture des résultats.Item Open Access Politics of Language in Ngugi waThiong’o’s Petals of Blood(université mohamed boudiaf .m'sila, 2023-06) Anowar NOUIRI . Marwa NOUIRI, Mr. Mohammed SENOUSSIABSTRACT This study addresses the use of language in Ngugi wa Thiong’o Petals of Blood (1979). The selected novel evokes important questions on the nature of language in Kenya during post-colonial era. It gives a truthful description of the implementation of the language among the social classes in Kenya. In this research, we are interested in the literary function of language and why the novelist chooses Gikuyu language as most expressive vernacular medium. This study offers a more adequate account of language’s figurative aspects, it clarifies the writer’s stylistic strategies and his use of techniques such as narrative suspense, proverbs, songs and figurative language to respond to the domination of the white oppressor in this era. The dissertation examines Ngugi wa Thiong’o Petals of Blood from both stylistic and thematic angles. The first chapter deals with the socio-historical context and theoritical background of the novel. It highlights Politics of Language and the events that surrounded the process of writing this literary piece. Also it provides general insights on Decolonizing the Mind. Hence, it sets out to deal with hypothetical thoughts embodied in the novel. Furthermore, in the second chapter, we examine ways in which Ngugi’s Petals of Blood is a motivated step for the African postcolonial writers to imply their mother tongue. We try also to explain the language persecution suggested by Ngugi when it comes to produce written words concerning the African literature; i.e. this part aims at inspecting and clarifying Ngugi’s stylistic strategies.Item Open Access Identity and Displacement in Noviolet Bulawayo’s We Need New Names(université mohamed boudiaf .m'sila, 2023-06) Bourasse Nora Ms.Benaceur Nadia, Ms. Rebbahi KhaoulaABSTRACT This thesis analyses the themes of identity and displacement in Noviolet Bulawayo’s We Need New Names. Throughout the novel, Bulawayo examines serious issues such as identity, displacement and culture shock. She exposes the experiences that the Zimbabwean young girl immigrant faces in America. This thesis attempts to decipher the impacts of culture shock, identity crisis and displacement on the protagonist and the other Zimbabweans to address their experience with displacement as newcomers. This study is conducted through the implementation of two literary theories: Post colonialism and Ecocriticism to show how protagonist’s struggle to cope with the new American society and how this environment affects her identity. Bulawayo draws attention to the fact that migrants could never be able to blend into new culture without the risk of losing their own identities and how displacement and the drastic change of the character’s homeland may cause identity crisis. This study finds out how natural elements massively manipulate the human evolution and even affect the human physiology, how the protagonist Darling struggles to negotiate her identity as an immigrant in a foreign country and culture in addition to how the new environment "America" appeared to be challenging as it causes the protagonist'identity crisis and culture shock.Item Open Access Identity Crisis in Chinua Achebe's Anthills of the Savannah(university of M'sila, 2023-06) Tayeb bey Amel, Dr. Mohammed Djemoui SaberABSTRACT The current study explores a remarkable issue in the field of postcolonial literature, namely, identity. As a first objective, the study seeks to examine the effects of colonial presence and domination on post-colonial societies, and how colonizers view colonialism. The study also aims to analyze Chinua Achebe’s novel Anthills of the Savannah, presenting how it truly reveals the identity plight of post-colonial Nigerians, and charting how the identity dilemma is constructed in post-colonial literature. The topic was chosen for two reasons: first, to investigate and explore concepts of identity, and how they relate to other concepts in the field of postcolonial literature. Second, the study will analyze how Achebe, as a postcolonial novelist, explores and articulates issues of identity in his work Anthills of the Savannah. Moreover, the study is conducted in the light of postcolonial theory. Moreover, the study is conducted in the light of postcolonial theory. The latter enables us to say that the collection is a reflection of Chinua Achebe's commitment to showing the crisis of identity in post-colonial Nigeria. This method is also applied to indicate the effect of colonialism on the identity of the colonized. The results of the study indicate that postcolonial societies have already been torn into two different worlds superimposed on each other, as well as postcolonial people who are trapped between the two worlds and unable to recognize the space to which they belong. However, despite this fact, the true pre-colonial identity is deeply rooted in the theme and the desire to recapture pre-colonial traditions and culture is also present.Item Open Access Newly Enrolled EFL learners’ beliefs and expectations about Autonomy and Self- Reliance: Case study of First Year LMD Students at the Department of English, University of Mohamed Boudiaf, M’sila.(university of M'sila, 2023-06) Mr.Benkhaled Rabie.Mr.Latrache Abdelghani, Dr. Mourad TouatiAbstract The goal of the current study is to better understand how instructors and students feel about the contribution of self-reliance in increasing learners’ autonomy. The starting point of the study premise is that learners' autonomy would rise if they developed a high level of self-reliance. Additionally, The study was conducted with 58 first year student at the department of English at M’sila University in addition to teachers’ interviews. The collected data revealed that autonomous learning is highly valued to be useful for learners and it fosters the relationship between learners’ autonomy and self- reliance.Item Open Access Racial Discrimination and Oppression in Mine Boy by PETER ABRAHAM(university of M'sila, 2023-06) Mr.Issam Belamri Ms. Nadia Silini, Dr. Bachir SahedAbstract The present study of the novel Mine boy by PETER ABRAHAM examines the racial oppression in South Africa; it aims to highlight the racial discrimination and oppression of the blacks, to highlight the stereotypes of the others, to mention the complex of inferiority, psychology of the oppressed, and to highlight the identity issues in the novel. In order to achieve this objective, the research seeks to examine the two works through the framework of the postcolonial feminist theory related to the most important theorists like Franz Fanon, Edward Said and Homi Bhabha. The first chapter addresses the socio-historical context along with the theoretical framework and an overview of the apartheid system, postcolonialism and colonialism .the second chapter depicts some postcolonial aspects in exploring oppression, Stereotype of the other, inferiority complex, racial discrimination, identity and the social justice. Therefore, the findings show all the racial oppression by the colonialism that were applied on the natives in South African through the novel of Peter AbrahamItem Open Access Third year EFL learner’s perceptions towards self- reliance during the corona virus era(university of M'sila, 2023-06) MEDDAS RAOUIA . BENHERIRA GHANIMA, Dr. TOUATI MOURADAbstract : With the corona virus disease 2019, a major change to remote education arrangements has arisen, as it is clear; the pandemic had side effects, particularly in the scope of education and English as a foreign language (EFL) teaching and learning, students at all levels were encouraged to continue learning despite the difficulties they faced during the crisis, relying primarily on themselves.,Accordingly, The present investigation examines third year EFL learners perceptions towards self-reliance at Mohammed Boudiaf University of M’sila, as well as the challenges they encountered along their learning process during the pandemic era , and the three years health protocol. In order to achieve the aims of this descriptive study, A mixed method was used to obtain a significant answers to the research questions, semi –structured a questionnaire was designed for forty EFL students at the department of English. It revealed that regardless the Corona virus' detrimental effects on students' academic performance; it helped them become more self-reliant in the light of the challenges they encountered, and overcome their inability to comprehend lessons in the absence of teacher's interaction . By the end, we suggest some recommendations that are essential to equip our learners to be self-reliant, and improvise them for any expected circumstances.Item Open Access Improving learners'paragraph writing through the competency based approach.(université mohamed boudiaf .m'sila, 2023-06) Daira saliha .Yatou hassan, DR.Barkani oumsaadAbstract This study addresses the effectiveness of implementing the Competency-based approach to paragraph writing proficiency. CBA is an approach to education that focuses on the student’s demonstration of desired learning outcomes as central to the learning process. This research aims at investigating the impact of using Competency Based Approach to improve Baadji Mohammed Secondary school - Ouled Derradj' students paragraph writing. In addition, the study aims at highlighting the awareness of EFL teachers in Baadji Mohammed Secondary school of Competency based approach since it was implemented in Algerian curriculum within 2005.The study used a descriptive method as research design as far as the means of data collection , a questionnaire along with a class observation were used to obtain the desired data .these were administrated to five teachers of English language at Baadji Mohamed secondary school at Ouled Derradj : it also includes students of scientific stream of third year . The findings of this Research implies that teachers are very aware of the Competency Based Approach principles as they apply them to their courses; and that students written compositions and performance improve when using CBA to writing lessons. The research also reveals that teachers face many difficulties with CBA implementation in writing such as time and resources limitationsItem Open Access The Effect of Metacognitive Strategies Awareness on EFL Students' Writing Performance: A Case Study of First-Year Students at Abimezrag Elmokrani Secondary School-Bou Saada.(université mohamed boudiaf .m'sila, 2023-06) BENSELAMA Nesrine . SAADIA Houria, Pr.BAGHDADI AssiaAbstract The traditional approach to language teaching has often focused on transmitting knowledge and teaching skills, without emphasizing the importance of teaching learners how to learn . Learners are expected to acquire the language through instruction and practice, but they may not be explicitly taught how to develop their own learning strategies or how to become more self- directed in their language learning. By the notion of learner-centred approaches , Learner training in second or foreign language teaching has emerged which involves a variety of activities, such as teaching learners how to set goals, how to use learning strategies effectively, and how to monitor their own learning progress . According to the interesting fact of what we mentioned , we are conducting this study to investigate the effect of metacognitive strategies awareness on students' writing outcomes . The study involved a group of four (04) English teachers who actively participate in providing data based on a perceptions’ questionnaire to know their attitudes toward the concept of our topic , and fourty-four (44) first year students of Abimezrag Elmokrani secondary school who were randomly assigned to either an experimental group or a control group. The experimental group received instruction on metacognitive strategies for writing, while the control group did not. Both groups were then given a pre/post writing test, and their writing samples were analyzed for quality and effectiveness. The results of the study indicate that students who received instruction on metacognitive strategies for writing showed significant improvement in the quality and effectiveness of their writing compared to the control group. Specifically, the experimental group demonstrated greater awareness of their writing process, including planning, monitoring, and revising their work. They also demonstrated greater ability to self-assess their writing and make improvements based on feedback. These findings suggest that instruction on metacognitive strategies can be an effective approach for improving students' writing. By increasing students' awareness of their own thinking and learning processes, instructors can help students become more effective writers. Further research is needed to explore the long-term effects of metacognitive strategy instruction on writing ability and to identify the most effective ways to incorporate this approach into writing instructionItem Open Access Master EFL Students at M’sila University Perceptions of (Im)polite Request across Gender(université mohamed boudiaf .m'sila, 2023-06) Rahma Bakri. Djihad Bakri, Dr. HamoudiAbstact Gender-related issues and disputes in discourse are common among EFL learners. This study attempts to investigate the two gender perceptions of (im)polite request . The aim of this study is to identify the nature of the link between the studied variables. Moreover, in order to achieve the objectives of this investigation, a descriptive method was used. This paper relies on Brown & Levinson's interpretation of linguistic politeness. The test designed by Mavadat Said and Mohadese Khosravi was adapted in order to collect data from a sample of 30 master two EFL students at Mohammed Boudiaf University of M’sila.Item Open Access Elsewhere and Home in Elias Khoury’s Gate of the Sun(université mohamed boudiaf .m'sila, 2023-06) Zahra DEMMANE ., Zouina Nourelimane MAHFOUDIABSTRACT The present study puts flesh on the bones of questions regarding Palestinian refugees’ status in our modern world. In this respect, it aims to highlight and explore the repercussions of unhomeliness, exile and trauma on displaced Palestinians particularly post-Nakba generations who reside in Lebanon’s refugee camps. The selected novel, Gate of the Sun (1998) by Elias Khoury, offers a sociohistorical account of a critical period in the Palestinian history namely the Nakba. In this regard, this study sheds light on the meanings of home and statelessness in a world built on nation-states. It demonstrates the feeling of alienation that Khalil, the main character, experiences while trying to come to terms with what Bhabha refers to as “unhomeliness.” In this vein, this study offers an analysis of the unhomely Palestinian self through the protagonist who portrays the psyche of post-Nakba generations. Khalil engages in a civil war that takes place within; hence, this study probes the depths of Khalil’s unhomeliness, ambivalence, exile and trauma in his journey to find his Palestinian-ness.Item Open Access The New Scramble for Africa: The American Chinese Dispute(université mohamed boudiaf .m'sila, 2023-06) SAIDI Islam, Mr. GhafsiAbstract The term ‘New Scramble for Africa’ describes the revived interest that foreign nations have in the African continent, notably in terms of resource exploitation, financial gain, political dominance, and strategic localization. This occurrence is reminiscent of the colonial era when European countries partitioned Africa for their interests. Investing substantially in African infrastructure and resources, China has been at the vanguard of this new race. To compete with China for access to resources such as oil and minerals, the United States and European nations have significantly boosted their presence on the continent as well. This dissertation examines the Chinese and American competition in Africa. Special attention will be given to the rivalry of these two countries in the Sahel region and northern Africa particularly Algeria. Unlike many studies conducted on this topic, this dissertation aims at analyzing rather than demonstrating the competition. The results are encouraging since they indicate that the Chinese are outperforming the Americans in Africa.Item Open Access THE FUSION BETWEEN HISTORY AND MEMOIR IN CHINUA ACHEBE’STHERE WAS A COUNTRY(2012)(université mohamed boudiaf .m'sila, 2023-06) Abdel Kamel DJOUIBA. Fatima DJOUIBA, Dr. Bachir SAHEDABSTRACT The present study examines the enduring impact of colonialism on Nigeria in Achebe’s There Was a Country, which is both a historical and personal narrative that seeks to provide a deeper understanding of the Nigerian Civil War and its implications for the Igbo people. It addresses themes of identity, nationhood, and the consequences of political unrest and conflict. Achebe's account offers a unique perspective on the events and sheds light on the complexities of Nigeria's post-colonial history.Hence, the primary aim of this study is to demonstrate the role of memoirs/autobiographies in reflecting on some personal, historical, and national issues. To achieve this aim, the study endeavors to analyze Achebe’s work in the light of the postcolonial theory. The first chapter is devoted to the socio-historical context and the theoretical framework.The second chapter examines how the use of memoir analyze Nigeria’s past and present.Furthermore,this research highlights the significance of memoirs and autobiographies as powerful tools for reflecting upon personal experiences, historical events, and national narratives.Item Open Access TRAUMA AND CULTURAL DISPLACEMENT IN V.S. NAIPAUL’S THE ENIGMA OF ARRIVAL(université mohamed boudiaf .m'sila, 2023-06) Abla HAFFAF.Ibtissem DJIAR, Dr. Bachir SAHEDABSTRACT The present study explores the themes of trauma and cultural displacement experienced by the protagonist of Naipaul’s The Enigma of Arrival. Through a close analysis of the protagonist's experiences, the study aims to unravel the profound effects of trauma and the sense of displacement that arises from living in a foreign culture. Drawing upon theories of trauma and postcolonialism, the study investigates how Naipaul portrays the complexities of the immigrant experience and the challenges faced by individuals attempting to navigate unfamiliar lands. By examining the protagonist’s narrative and his interactions with the new cultural setting, this study sheds light on the intricate interplay between personal trauma, cultural identity, and the longing for a sense of belonging. Ultimately, it argues that The Enigma of Arrival offers a poignant exploration of the emotional and psychological repercussions of cultural displacement, highlighting the enduring struggle to reconcile one's past with the present realities of living in a foreign land.Item Open Access Investigating Teachers’ and Students’ Attitudes towards the Role of Using Authentic Audio Podcasts on Developing EFL Learners' Speaking Skills Case study: Second year LMD students at M'sila University(université mohamed boudiaf .m'sila, 2023-06) - Amina ABDELKEBIR. Yassamine MANNI, Sabah FARAHAbstract In EFL instruction teaching speaking has received more attention in the last few years. Many teachers and researchers are conducting studies to find solutions to students’ problems when they speak with the English language, as well as selecting the appropriate materials that overcome their weaknesses in the speaking skill. Authentic audio podcasts are considered helpful materials since they bring real communication situations to the classroom through an exposure to the language of native speakers. The current study tries to explore teachers’ and students’ perceptions about the role of using authentic audio podcasts on developing EFL learners speaking skill. This research hypothesized that the use of authentic audio podcasts in teaching English language develop students speaking ability. Furthermore, data were collected through a questionnaire submitted to second year LMD students of English department at M'sila University (75 students) and a questionnaire conducted with teachers who taught oral expression module at M'sila University (10 teachers) The results obtained from this research confirmed that students consider the use of authentic audio podcasts an important technique for enhancing their speaking skill. Moreover, the findings showed that teachers are highly positive towards the use of authentic audio podcasts in the EFL oral classes. Thus, according to the outcomes obtained, authentic audio podcasts are recommended to be used for improving EFL learners’ speaking skill.