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  • ItemOpen Access
    Does Foreign Direct Investment Impact Economic Growth? An Empirical Study in Algeria
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-04) Benazza, hanaa; Halimi, wahiba
    This paper aims to study the relationship between economic growth and foreign direct investment in Algeria during the priod 1990-2015 using statistical techniques .the result show the positive impact of foreign direct investment in Algeria in the period under study. Finally the paper recommend to stimulating the foreign investor ,and provide a suitable environment to activate the foreign investment climate in Algeria .
  • ItemOpen Access
    Impact de la structure de propriété des PME algériennes sur l’innovation - Etude empirique –
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-04) Zitouni, Imane; Belguet, Youcef
    L’étude menée dans cet article à pour objectif d’étudier l’impact de la structure de propriété des PME algériennes, qui représente un mécanisme de contrôle interne de la gouvernance d’entreprise, qui constitue un déterminent très important de la répartition des pouvoirs au niveau des entreprises.A partir d’une étude de quelques PME lgériennes nous avons déterminé un model de structure de propriété de ces PME et nous avons examiné son impact sur le niveau d’innovation des entreprises a partir d’une étude empirique en se basant sur un échantillon de PME.
  • ItemOpen Access
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-04) SALAH, Elyas; BEZZAOUCHA, Chahinez Fadia
    Depuis plus d’une décennie, les neurosciences s’associent avec le Marketing, ce qui a fait naître une discipline émergente : « le Neuromarketing », qui s’appuie sur les avancées des techniques de neurosciences permettant d’observer l’activité cérébrale des consommateurs face à différents stimuli : (affiche/spot publicitaire, emballage, marque, design, logo, etc.). Ce qui engendrera une compréhension des mécanismes cérébraux qui sous-tendent les comportements d’achat. L’objectif de cet article est d’établir un état de l’art sur le Neuromarketing, en passant par ses principales techniques d’investigation cérébrale, et les études empiriques les plus pertinentes réalisées jusqu’à nos jours.
  • ItemOpen Access
    مساهمة معايير المحاسبة الدولية في دعم الإفصاح المحاسبي
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-04) جودي, محمد رمزي; جودي, أمينة
    Companies seek to apply the international accounting standards which contribute to give more financial information to the users of the financial reports through the ccounting disclosure.This paper aims at defining the accounting disclosure, its sorts and its rincipals, plus defining the international accounting standards and its vantages,furthermore; identifying the accounting committees which issue these standards, hrough studying some international accounting standards and explaining the contribution of each standard in supporting the accounting disclosure. This study oncluded that the application of the international accounting standards contribute trongly in supporting the accounting disclosure, and meeting the needs of the financial reports users, through providing the financial information which cannot be provided in the raditional accounting systems. This fact calls for the need to impose the application of the accounting disclose in accordance with international accounting standards.
  • ItemOpen Access
    دور التدقيق الداخلي في تفعيل إدارة المخاطر المصرفية في الجزائر ( دراسة حالة بنك التنمية المحلية B D L وكالة مستغانم )
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-04) تمار, خديجة; العيد, محمد
    This study aims mainly to show the role played by the internal auditor in the activation of the Algerian risk management in banks, through access to documents that show the way in the enterprise risk management. The Institute of Internal Auditors pointed out the roles that should be the internal auditor to perform, also pointed to the roles that should be avoided in the stages of the risk management process. And recommended by the Basel Committee on the importance of internal audit in banks because of the role it plays in the activation of risk management, by placing additional control measures but it is possible to use other routes are available, such as diversification or share the effects of these risks with others by contracts, warranties, guarantees......etc.
  • ItemOpen Access
    انعكاسات الاتجاه المتزايد نحو التكتل الاقتصادي على حركة التجارة الدولية
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-04) خلوفي, عائشة
    The system of the new global economic characteristics is a trend towards the formation of economic blocs in the framework of bilateral, regional or not regional, to be scope in front of diminishing the importance of the economy, who works alone in a one-state when economic policy-making, and even replace him in this the economic territory of the field in the group to get the biggest gains from international trade, and none of the mages taken by the integration has a clear impact on aspects of international trade in terms of its freedom and its geographical distribution, international trends, and this article aim to highlight the impact of this phenomenon on the path of trade liberalization at the global level and aims to know the most important trends of international trade in light of the increasing trend of the regional economic bloc and this by addressing the most important aspects of the impact of this phenomenon on international trade.
  • ItemOpen Access
    متطلبات تطبيق إدارة المعرفة في مؤسسات التعليم العالي
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-04) سعيداني, رشيد
    Knowledge has become an engine for the economy and social progress, and the effective weapon of any institution if managed well. Hence the importance of knowledge management, which works to organize the institutions' expertise, skills and knowledge to benefit them in achieving their objectives and supporting decision-making, , And then achieve excellence and competitive advantage.Our current study aims to provide an intellectual framework for the application of the concept of knowledge management in higher education institutions based on the description and analysis of a set of theoretical studies and applied experiments of some institutions of higher education. The study included two basic topics. In the first part, we discussed the basic concepts of nowledge management , As for The second section sheds light on the management of knowledge in higher education institutions and concluded the study with a summary which included the most important topics discussed in addition to making some recommendations that contribute effectively to the implementation of knowledge management applications in higher education institutions.
  • ItemOpen Access
    تقييم التجربة الجزائرية في جذب الاستثمار الأجنبي االحصيلة والنتائج "لمباشر في ظل الشراكة مع الاتحاد الأوروبي "
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-04) بودلال, علي
    Cette étude était de faire la lumière sur la réalité de l'investissement étranger direct dans le monde arabe, l'Algérie en particulier, que celui-ci des plus belles formes de coopération et de l'option optimale pour l'intensification du tissu de l'économie nationale et de favoriser ainsi le développement économique du pays et avec les États producteurs qui cherchent à augmenter étrangère aux flux d'investissement, la concurrence internationale accrue pour attirer ces investissements, ce qui rend impératif pour ces États d'assouplir les restrictions de procédure et de modifier leurs marchés et l'élimination des obstacles administratifs et réglementaires qui limitent le flux des investissements étrangers directs. L'étude visait à analyser et évaluer les questions théoriques et pratiques liées à l'investissement direct étranger, à travers la définition prévue de formes et types d'investissement étranger direct investissement, et ensuite passer en revue l'investissement étranger direct positif et négatif dans les aspects Algérie ont papier discuté du climat de l'investissement dans l'Algérie, et la réalité et de l'importance des investissements étrangers dans le économie algérienne et son rôle dans l'augmentation des exportations. Comme abordé les facteurs qui contribuent à attirer les investissements étrangers, tels que: L'activation du rôle des dispositifs institutionnels soutenant l'investissement. Et Faciliter et surmonter les obstacles administratifs qui entravent les investissements. Et Activation de l'économie, des programmes de conciliation pour étude conclut diagnostiqué avec le résultat de cet investissement et de ses perspectives à l’avenir.
  • ItemOpen Access
    إسهامات الحوكمة البيئية في تحقيق التنمية المستدامة الجزائر نموذجا
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-04) بلعورة, هجيرة; بوسالم, ابو بكر; بلعورة, الزهراء
    But de notre étude avec les tags: les contributions de la gouvernance environnementale dans la réalisation de développement durable "modèle Algérie" pour faire la lumière sur un domaine important dans les secteurs économiques et a des aspects importants ans la construction de budgets internationaux, à savoir le secteur du tourisme et de la ouffrance de notre économie aujourd'hui une baisse continue due à la concentration du secteur celui représenté dans le secteur des hydrocarbures a conduit l'économie à l'exposition à des crises périodiques en cours qui est ce que les autorités ont conduit à trouver une solution dans la diversification, et peut-être les secteurs les plus importants qui ont trouvé sa préférence et le côté du secteur d'excellence du tourisme. grâce à cette étude, nous avons voulu attirer l'attention sur l'élément, qui est une société fondée sur " environnement ", où à travers les éléments de gouvernance de l'environnement conduira inévitablement à améliorer les apparences et les paysages qui augmente la demande des touristes, comme nous l'avons montré les tendances nationales dans le domaine de l'environnement et ce qui confèrent aux exigences du développement durable.
  • ItemOpen Access
    أدوات حماية البيئة بالمناطق المحمية لتحقيق سياحة خضراء بالجزائر - دراسة حالة حديقة التجارب بالحامة -
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-04) بن الطاهر, محمد الأمين; قعيد, لطيفة
    The green tourism Play a major role in preserving the environment and achieve sustainable tourism development, and evaluation of this role should be enacted and the development of green tourism and sustainability, and that is only possible through the application of different tools by stakeholders, in order to conserve environmental resources for a long time as a of the elements of tourism, which can not do without, and will reflect that in our study this by focusing on a specific model tourist to highlight the successful experience in achieving green tourism in Algeria, and the adoption of " Jardin d'Essai Hamma Alger" which works to maintain the tourism base.
  • ItemOpen Access
    اشكالية التشغيل والبطالة في الجزائر دراسة تطبيقية قياسية
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-04) داودي, محمد
    After independence Algeria has adopted socialist economic approach, and relied on public investments contributed to reduce levels of unemployment in Algeria. As is well known that these public investments were the source of the largest financing of oil collection, this later after the oil crisis of 1986, has seen a significant decline in its production capacity and fluctuated much in the financial balances, resulting in significant layoffs of workers because of the structural adjustment program especially from in 1994, it contributed to the increase in unemployment, especially in the youth category. Algeria have suffered from the unemployment crisis and tried to get out of the various programs and policies since that time to the present time. This paper aims to build a econometric model of the phenomenon of unemployment in Algeria, through the cointegration test and error correction model ECM and Granger test causal model. The results showed that the productivity rate, as capital stock, public spending, the price of oil and real GDP in the inverse relationship significantly with unemployment in Algeria, while there are some variables in the model did not show a significant relationship, and it will try to highlight this problem in Algeria, trying to dive into the depths through a theoretical analysis and practical study. this results we can useful understanding the problem of unemployment in Algeria.
  • ItemOpen Access
    جودة مخرجات الإفصاح المالي مطلب لاستقطاب البديل التمويلي في ظل كفاءة السوق المالي ( دراسة حالة شركة Alliance للتأمينات )
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-04) مهديد, فاطمة الزهراء; عتارسية, إيمان
    The economic foundation need for funding from the financial market and the speed of information transmission thanks to technological developments, forced her to commit financial disclosure standards and characterized the financial information disclosed both on its activity exploitative financial position or investment plans within the informational content of the financial reports ,it as a requirement to rationalize investment in the financial market decisions and to apply it on the Algerian financial market has to examine the relationship between the level of quality of financial information and investor behavior towards it at the level of Allianz Insurance Co, which resorted to finance the shares after the submission of data needed two laboratories so the impact of the latter to attract the necessary financing.
  • ItemOpen Access
    تأثير التسويق الالكتروني على جودة خدمات البنوك الخاصة في الجزائر - دراسة ميدانية -
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-04) ليازيد, وهيبة
    The study at hands aims to identify the impact of e-marketing on the quality of services offered by the private banks in Algeria particularly those active in Tlemcen. The study seeks to know the actual practices taking place inside these banks and how they benefit the banks as well as their customers in addition to spotting the main problems that they face and finding the solutions most appropriate. This all is implemented in order to achieve the maximum level of safety as well as to provide the necessary data base, adopt the research and development method and build an effective strategy. In chievement of these purposes, the researcher in this study has adopted the descriptive method while conducting her study on a suitable sample survey. In the same regard, 300 forms were distributed over four private banks in the state of Tlemcen. The study yielded in a wide number of conclusions probably the most significant of which was that e-marketing does in fact affect the quality of the banking services at these private banks – this result was reached based on the variables specified in this study.
  • ItemOpen Access
    مساهمة عدم الالتزام بأخلاقيات وقواعد السلوك المهني لمهنة التدقيق في انهيار شركتي انرون للطاقة وأرثر اندرسون للتدقيق
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-04) تومي, ميلود; علون, محمد لمين
    It is recently noted the increasing number of legal issues against global auditing firms, As a result of its involvement in a professional and ethical issues for several consecutive years caused the collapse of global companies such as “Enron Corporation” for energy, “WorldCom” Company, which followed by the collapse of the greatest auditing firm in the world “Arthur Andersen” as it was proved its contribution in the collapse of those companies. As a result of those huge collapses, the users of financial statements ealized the weakness of the role played by auditor in reducing the risk resulting from the issuance of inaccurate financial statements, it has emerged the need to strengthen the community's confidence in the quality of audit, it has become imperative for the auditor to prove independence and neutrality through the full applying of law , and the adherence to ethics and rules of professional conduct.
  • ItemOpen Access
    أثر التقرير عن التنمية المستدامة في تعزيز تنافسية المؤسسة الاقتصادية
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-04) غلاب, فاتح; ميمون, الطاهر
    Les conseils d’administration des différentes enterprises ont compris dans ces derniers temps que le concept de développement durable est devenu une partie importante de la gestion, et il a donné lieu à une augmentation de l’intéret de la préparation et la publication des rapports sur la durabilité ou le développement durable; Ces rapports sont utilisés pour montrer la confiance et la transparence dans les politiques et les progrès en matière de développement durable; Et il est supposé être à ces rapports un contenu informatif pour les parties prenantes. Parmi les modèles récents quels qu'ils peuvent faire rapport sur le développement durable de l’entreprise, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) et Triple Bottom Line (TBL); Il est aussi des avantages importants tirés de la préparation et la diffusion des rapports de développement durable consiste à élever le niveau de disclosure et de transparence sur la performance financière, environnementale et sociale de l’entreprise, ce qui fonctionne pour activer la gouvernance d'entreprise, et de parvenir à l'entreprise compétitive sur le long terme.
  • ItemOpen Access
    تطبيق حوكمة الشركات في بيئة الأعمال الدولية وتحديات تطبيقها في الجزائر
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-04) عمامرة, ياسمينة
    I've enjoyed the subject of corporate governance critical for institutions of international business and development programs, due to the recent series of financial crises that have touched the economies of certain regions of the world in the second half of the nineties, and some breakdowns experienced by major international companies, where he was in this context to make international efforts in order to establish and apply the Principles of Corporate governance by the legal and economic environment of each country. The application of corporate governance has become an international trend, since Algeria is not in isolation from the world's desire for increasing global economic integration, like other developing countries, it has made efforts to build an institutional framework for Hokh companies where she worked on improving the investment climate and seeking to opening its economy, as well as the issuance of the Charter of good governance