تأثير التسويق الالكتروني على جودة خدمات البنوك الخاصة في الجزائر - دراسة ميدانية -
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Université de M'sila
The study at hands aims to identify the impact of e-marketing on the quality of services offered by the private banks in Algeria particularly those active in Tlemcen. The study seeks to know the actual practices taking place inside these banks and how they benefit
the banks as well as their customers in addition to spotting the main problems that they face and finding the solutions most appropriate. This all is implemented in order to achieve the maximum level of safety as well as to provide the necessary data base, adopt the research and development method and build an effective strategy. In chievement of these purposes, the researcher in this study has adopted the descriptive method while conducting her study on a suitable sample survey. In the same regard, 300 forms were distributed over four private banks in the state of Tlemcen. The study yielded in a wide number of conclusions probably the most significant of which was that e-marketing does in fact affect the quality of the banking services at these private banks – this result was reached based on the variables specified in this study.
marketing, e-marketing, banking service, banking service quality.