Numerical study of high‑efciency CIGS solar cells by inserting a BSF µc‑Si:H layer

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In this paper, we present a simulation study of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) based solar cell using a physically based two-dimensional device simulator Silvaco-Atlas under AM1.5 illumination. First, we studied the efect of CIGS layer thickness, doping con centrations, and defects on the J–V properties and the quantum efciency (QE) of a conventional cell. The simulated structure shows an open circuit voltage equal to 0.80 V, a short circuit current density equal to 30.03 mA/cm2 , a fll factor equal to 82.77% and the obtained efciency of the conventional cell is 19.80% with CIGS absorber layer thickness of about 1.5 μm, our simulation results of the CIGS solar cell are in good agreement with the simulated and experimental results found in literature. In order to improve the solar cells efciency, the back surface feld (BSF) based on hydrogenated microcrystal line silicon μc-Si:H(p+) layer has been inserted between the back contact (Mo) and the CIGS absorber layer, in this case the structure presents an open voltage equal to 0.84 V, a short circuit current density equal to 32.55 mA/cm2 , a fll factor equal to 85.31% and an efciency of 23.42%. The obtained results demonstrate that the addition of μc-Si:H(p+) BSF layer increases the efciency of CIGS solar cells, reaching a maximum value of 23.42% for 1.5 μm of CIGS thickness and 10 nm for μc-Si:H(p+) BSF layer



Solar cells · CIGS · Efciency · Back surface feld · μc-Si: H

