بعض الكفايات المهنية لدى أساتذة التربية البدنية والرياضية في التعليم الثانوي للموسم الدراسي 2017/2018 وعلاقتها بكل من الوعي بالذات والتنظيم الانفعالي لديهم


الملخص : تهدف الدراسة الى التعرف على طبيعة العلاقة الموجودة بين بعض الكفايات المهنية لدى أساتذة التربية البدنية والرياضية وكل من الوعي بالذات والتنظيم الانفعالي لديهم وقد استخدم الباحث المنهج الوصفي نظرا لملائمته طبيع موضوع الدراسة واشتملت عينة الدراسة (20) استاذا من أساتذة التربية البدنية والرياضية الذين يدرسون في مرحلة التعليم المتوسط قد اعتمد الباحث على كل من مقياس الوعي بالذات والتنظيم الانفعالي واستبانة الكفايات المهنية لدى أساتذة التربية البدنية والرياضية ومن بين أهم النتائج المتوسل اليها في الدراسة وجود علاقة ارتباطية موجبة بين بعض الكفايات المهنية لدى أساتذة التربية البدنية والرياضية الذين يدرسون في مرحلة التعليم الثانوي وكل من الوعي بالذات والتنظيم الانفعالي لديهم. RÉSUMÉ : L'étude vise à identifier la nature de la relation qui existe entre une partie de la compétence professionnelle des professeurs d'éducation physique et sportive et leurs conscience de soi et organisation des émotions le chercheur a utilisé l'approche descriptive en raison de son sujet approprié de la nature de l'étude l'échantillon d'étude est formé de (20), professeur d'éducation physique et des professeurs de sport qui étudient au cycle secondaire. Le chercheur a utiliser comme outil d’étude l’échelle de la conscience de soi et la régulation émotionnelle et le questionnaire des compétences professionnelles des professeurs d'éducation physique et des sports et parmi les résultats les plus importants dans l'étude, une existence d’ une corrélation positive entre les compétences professionnelles des professeurs et leurs conscience de soi ainsi que leurs régulation émotionnelle.. Study title Some of the professional competencies of the teachers of physicals and sports education and their relation to both self-awareness and their emotional regulation . Parcial questions : 1-Is there a relationship of statistical significance between some of the professional competencies of teachers of physicals and sports education and their self-awareness . 2-Is there a relationship of statistical significance between some of the professional competencies of teachers of physicals and sports education and their emotional regulation . General hypothesis : There is a relationship between some of the professional competencies of teachers of physicals and sports education and their self-awareness and emotional regulation . Parcial hypothesis : 1-Their is a relationship of statistical significance between some of the professional competencies of teachers of physical and sports education and their self-awareness . 2-Their is a relationship of statistical significance between some of the professional competencies of teachers of physicals and sports education and their emotional regulation . Objectives of the study : Know if : 1-There is a relationship of statistical significance between some of the professional competencies of teachers of physical and sports education and their self-awareness . 2-There is a relationship of statistical significance between some of the professional competencies of teachers of physical and sports education and their emotional regulation 3-Their is a relationship of statistical significance between some of the professional competencies of teachers of physical and sports education and their self-awareness and emotional regulation . Methodology of the study : The researcher followed in his study the descriptive method . Society and sample of the study : The study sample included 20 teachers out of a total of 28 teachers of physical education and sports who are teaching in secondary education . Data collection and information tools : First : Identification of professional competencies ( by researcher design ). Second : the self-awareness scale , where the researcher adapted self-awareness scale for Goli (2011) Third :The measure of emotional regulation, where the researcher relied on the scale of emotional regulation prepared by (Gamefski Kraaij) (2007) traduction of Mohammed Djasser Aafana (2018). Field application procedures The researcher distributed the study tools to the sample of the study consisting of 20 teachers distributed in the secondary level of the city of M’sila after the exclusion of the sample of the survey sample who applied the tools of the study to find out the truth and stability of the number ( 8) teachers of physicals education and sports teaching in the secondary education -Standards and questionnaire were applied during the second semester of the school year -they were distributed and received in the period between 2017 / 2018 -20 models were distributed for each of the measures and questionnaire and we got 20 models with a 100 % retrieval rate The most important results : Results of study showed that there is : -positive correlation between some of the professional competencies of the teachers of physicals education and sports and their self-awareness . - positive correlation between some of the professional competencies of the teachers of physicals education and sports and their emotional regulation. - positive correlation between some of the professional competencies of the teachers of physicals education and sports and their self-awareness and emotional regulation. Suggestions : Through the results obtained in the study , the researcher suggests the following : - Conducting a field study to examine the level of professional competencies of the teaches of physicals and sports education and their relation to their level of self-awareness. - Study the relationship between emotional regulation and some leadership methods for the teachers of education and sports. - Conduct more studies that examine self-awareness and its relationship to some other variables. - Conduct more studies that examine the emotional regulation and its relationship to some other variables.



الكفايات المهنية-ال ; عي بالذات-التنظيم الانفعالي.

