دور الحملات الإعلامية الإفترضية في دعم العمل التطوعي المجموعات الخيرية الفيسبوكية - أنموذج
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جامعة محمد بوضياف كلية العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية
تمالتطرقإلىأهمالمفاهيمالنظريةالمتعلقةبموقع الفيس بوك وكذلكتلكالمفاهيمالمرتبطة
بالعمل التطوعيمبرزينمنخلالذلكاهمالعناصرالمشتركةبينهماوالتيتصاغبشكلأوبآخربتفعيل
العملالتطوعيمنخلالاستخدامهاواستثمارهالموقع الفيسبوكوالاستفادةمن
الخصائصالتيتمنحهاوالمساهمةفيتحقيقأهداف العمل التطوعي علىحد
يمنحموقع الفيسبوكلمستخدميهخاصيةمتابعةنشاطات
الكلماتالدلالية: مواقعالفيس بوك،العمل التطوعي.
The study analyzed and debate the role of social networking sites in the
activation of charities service where he was to address the most important
theoretical concepts relating to the location of social networking, as well as those
associated with charities concepts highlighting through it the most common
elements between them and formulated one way or another to activate voluntary
work for charities through use and invest them to social networking sites and take
advantage of the properties granted by and contribute to achieving the objectives
of socio-religious charities and awareness of both, and to clarify that researchers
used in the study analytical method by collecting the most important theoretical
concepts available and try to bring it down through the analysis of the content of
form and so we came to the following results:
- Rely on all properties offered by social networking sites such as text and image
that in order to reach the desired goals of the publication;
Social networking sites offer users the follow-up activities of the Association
property before, during and after the completion of the activities which supports
confidence in the members of the Assembly observers;
- Trend towards the use of social networking sites as a means to inform and
declare, means awareness and continue, as a means to achieve the objectives
of voluntary charitable Assembly.
Key words: Social networking sites, Charities, NassElkhirOuargla Association
الحملات الإعلامية الإفترضية - دعم العمل التطوعي -المجموعات الخيرية الفيسبوكية