فكرة الفقيه موريس هوريو حول الطبيعة التنفيذية للقرار الإداري The Idea Of The Juriste "maurice Hauriou" On The Exécutive Nature Of The Administrative Décision


لقد حضي القرار الإداري بنقاش فقهي واسع أدى إلا الإختلاف بين الفقهاء وخاصة في فرنسا وهذا ما للقرار من أهمية قصوى في حياة الأفراد وخاصة ما تعلق بتنفيذه، لذلك طرح مفهوم القرار الإداري عند عميد مدرسة تولوز الفقيه "موريس هوريو"حول الطبيعة التنفيذية للقرار الإداري ، الكثير من علامات الإستغراب، حيث اختلف الفقه حول المقصود من أن القرار الإداري تنفيذي ، وحاول كل من زاويته تعريف القرار الإداري والوقوف على ماهيته وصفاته، وذلك لتمييزه عن غيره .Abstract: The administrative decision has led to many studies and in-depth, which made it the subject of a wide jurisprudential debate, especially in France, which led only to differences between jurists, both in terms of study from the perspective of the science of public administration or from the angle of administrative law or from the perspective of administrative disputes. Especially when it comes to its implementation. Therefore, the concept of administrative decision at the Dean of the Toulouse School of jurisprudence, Maurice Hauriou, on the executive nature of the administrative decision, presented many surprising and puzzling signs. The jurists ask what the jurist “Maurice Hauriou » intended to be. Implementation Whether it is filled in the decision or there is at the time of the issuance of the resolution or in conjunction with it, and whether the implementation and implementation are both the same thing that led the jurisprudence to differ on the intention that the administrative decision executive, and tried each of its angle and for his part to define the administrative décision and to stand on what and attributes, And its distinguishing features to distinguish it from others.



الطبيعة التنفيذية؛ القرار الإداري؛ الفقه؛ موريس هوريو. Executive Nature; Administrative Decision; Jurisprudence; Maurice Hauriou; Concept.

