The role of the website in improving the quality of educational services from the perspective of the professors of Mohamed Boudiaf University

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جامعة محمد بوضياف بالمسيلة كلية العلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية


In the modern era, websites have become the most used interface and channel in various fields and transactions, and that is why individuals, institutions and even countries have tended to invest in this field with the economic, social and other advantages and benefits it provides, and in addition to today's different and multiplicity of activities directed towards exploiting this technology, it is witnessing a parallel trend To improve the quality of its services in order to maintain its viability in light of the technological changes in force. The issue of quality assurance has become the issue of this era, the era of the scientific and technological revolution, the era of global competition and the open market, the era of excellence and the era of economic blocs, ... it is an important entry point in achieving quality, supporting the positives, overcoming the negatives and treating them.



Chapter 1- Introduction Part 1 – theoretical part Chapter 2 - theoretical approach to websites Chapter 3 - theoretical approach to Quality assurance Part 2 – practical part Chapter 1 - Study methodology and tools Chapter 2 - Study population and description of sample characteristics

