الهندسة الادارية كمدخل جديد لاصلاح االادارة المحلية في الجزائر 2011 - 2023


The current study aimed to determine the level of application of administrative engineering in local administration bodies in Algeria within the administrative reform strategy during the time period extending from 2011 to 2023, which mainly touched on reform according to the organizational dimension related to administrative processes and procedures, and also touched on reform according to the human resource dimension as well as within its technological dimension. Within the framework of modernizing local administration and exploiting technology and modern means of communication, we will later explain the most important difficulties and challenges facing the application of administrative engineering in achieving the reform of local authorities in Algeria, and their future prospects. Finally, we concluded by presenting a set of proposals to activate the application of administrative engineering and overcome its obstacles. This study belongs to descriptive studies, and relied on the descriptive approach as a main approach. The results of the study concluded that the level of application of administrative engineering in local administration in Algeria did not reach its goals of creating a break with traditional administration, despite the efforts made.



administrative engineering - administrative reform - Local administration.

