أثر أبعاد جودة الخدمات المصرفية على رضا العملاء دراسة حالة بنك التنمية المحلية وكالة – سور الغزلان -

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The aim of this study is to identify the impact of the quality dimensions of banking services on customer satisfaction and to identify the quality of the banking services offered at Sur Al Ghazlan, State of Al Bouira, and to identify the customer satisfaction. The study also focused on looking after the customer's views and impressions of the services provided to them, in order to address the study problem of knowing the impact of the quality dimensions of banking on customer satisfaction. The field study analyzed how far the Sur Ghazlan Agency applied the quality dimensions of banking to achieve customer satisfaction in a randomly selected sample of customers where an electronic distribution was distributed. 40 resolution. Target Agency customers and have deleted 6 of them to not answer all questions while 30 resolutions were used to test claims using SPSS and analysis has found: Security dimension does not affect customer satisfaction The Deer of Banking Quality dimension is applied to satisfy customers and there is a correlation between the quality dimensions of the banking services applied by the agency and the customer's satisfaction.



