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  • ItemOpen Access
    Défi de l’innovation dans les PME Algériennes
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-08) Beniani, Mourad; Menaguer, Noureddine
    La force actuelle des économies des pays développés, réside en grande partie, dans le maillage de ces économies par un nombre important de PME qui assurent une part considérable de la production, la commercialisation mais aussi de la recherche et développement .Les statistiques récentes affichent que les PME représentent plus de 90% des entreprises dans le monde et contribuent à la création de 50% à 60% d’emploi.1 En Algérie, pays qui vit une transformation radicale de son environnement économique ,il faudra remonté à la fin des années 80 pour déceler les débuts d’une politique favorable au développement des PME notamment privées .Cet intérêt c’est manifesté à travers la création d’un ministère dédié à la PME/PMI ainsi qu’a la mise en place s’un ensemble de directions et organismes dont l’une des missions principale reste le soutien ,leur encadrement et leur accompagnement.
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    (Université de M'sila, 2017-08) LEKHAL, Amel; LACHACHI, Wassila; GAOUAL, Zouaouia imen
    Le travail développé dans cette étude concerne la problématique de la nouvelle technologie de l’information et de la communication, son rôle au sein de l’organisation, sa contribution et son impact dans la flexibilité de l’entreprise. L’introduction des NTIC au sein de l’entreprise est perçue comme un moyen de gérer l'organisation et de la rend plus flexible : la GRH a connue des profondes transformations dans son contenue, de sa structuration et de son positionnement au sein de l'organisation , l’interaction entre le SI et l’organisation et l’émergence des nouvelles formes organisationnelles qui ont des caractéristiques favorisant l'accroissement de la flexibilité de l’entreprise.
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    مقترح انشاء صناديق الوقف العلمي في الجامعات الجزائرية - تجربة صندوق وقف جامعة الملك فهد للبترول والمعادن-
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-08) قداوي, عبد القادر; ناصف, محمد
    In this article, we aim to raise funds for Algeria in order to strengthen its public budget in view of the difficult circumstances it is going through. We propose to establish endowment funds in higher education institutions in Algeria where monetary resources are donated by teachers, students, their families, economic institutions and even The state subsidy, to collect and invest a tunnel from the profits of its profits in the fields of scientific research and related activities, in the light of the experience of the suspension fund of King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, which succeeded in that and funded an important part of its scientific activities of those revenues.
  • ItemOpen Access
    مساهمة إدارة العلاقة مع الزبائن ( CRM) في تعزيز قيمة المؤسسة ( EV) - دراسة حالة مؤسسة HILTI
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-08) محلب, فايزة; عقون, سمية
    In this paper, we aim to highlight the contribution of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in enhancing the value of the organization , through the study of HILTI.We aim to clarify some concepts such as Enterprise value, value creation, CRM.And how it is applied in HILTI company. In addition ; to highlighting the role of CRM in the differentiation of HILTI and thus enhance its value. Through this study, we found that HILTI implements customer relationship management (CRM) steps in its dealings with clients.And it employs them to promote value. Therefore, the activities and processes of customer relationship management must be applied in the proper scientific manner, because the Enterprise value is achieved by paying attention to the value of its customers.
  • ItemOpen Access
    موقع معطيات اقتصاد المعرفة ضمن الاستراتيجيات التنافسية للمؤسسة
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-08) كبيري, فتيحة; سماحي, أحمد
    The paradigm shift and the rapid changes in the economy, in thought and practice. Able to change the status of the economy of the industrialized economy doomed patterns and absorbing and laws familiar to some extent with the institution, to a knowledge economy and the main its key strategic knowledge in all derivatives of technology, information and communication. This institution was forced to research and re-create a new environmental path and its own in this novel data. Especially the environment as much as reinforced opportunities including, met with the dangers and threats of more and faster impact on the life of the institution. In the end, it is more than ever demanding satisfaction of all parties to this environment, starting the big competitive intensity prevailing within it. On the other hand, in light of the abolition of all protectionist restrictions that were protecting institutions in many economies, in response to the global economic openness in all its practices, trade, productivity and others. The institution was forced to rework their strategies within this competitive market.
  • ItemOpen Access
    منتجات الهندسة المالية في ظل الاقتصاد الرمزي ودورها في عولمة الأزمات المالية - أزمة الرهون العقارية الأمريكية أنموذجا -
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-08) بن عبد العزيز, سفيان
    The global economic environment see changes radically touched and still corners of the world economy as a product of the succession and the accumulation of many of the global financial crisis, is no longer such an environment suitable for more than dealing with data the real economic, but on the contrary, appeared a wave of trading the new character, the default is caused and still in the spread of globalization and financial crises threatening the major world economies, let alone those arising. For the purpose of referring to such economic transactions under the umbrella of the symbolic economy governed by the indicators of financial wealth such as stocks, bonds, contracts and futures, this study seeks to refer to it through the establish it the meaning of the symbolic economy (the default), and how its contribution to the internationalization of the global financial crisis by focusing on the mortgage crisis of America (2007-2011) and caused the amounts of those transactions in which financial derivatives as an instrument of symbolic economy in the globalization of this crisis to conclude the study recommendations and the results of this important and based on the analysis of statistics, tables and graphs.
  • ItemOpen Access
    إدراك أهمية إدارة التدقيق الداخلي في الحد من المخاطر - دراسة عينة من المؤسسات الإقتصادية
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-08) مويسي, مروة
    We have tried through this study highlight the awareness of the importance of internal audit in risk reduction from the point of view of both auditors and their assistants, accountants and financial controllers, and to achieve the objectives of the study were Toozba questionnaire prepared for this purpose on the appropriate representative sample consisting of a community of individuals groups working in economic institutions at the level of the state of Ghardaia, in the light of this, the use of appropriate methods of data collection and analysis, showed the study concluded that the presence of internal audit management and recognize its importance and role in addition to the independence and performance of the work efficiently and effectively contributes to reduce the risk reduction with different views of the respondents are relatively about administration to internal audit on the impact of risk management, as the survey found: internal audit help to support and activation of risk management in order to reduce the risk reduction must occur institution that has changed dramatically in the pattern of dealings by increasing the activation of internal audit. Based on these results, the study came out a set of recommendations, including: the need to achieve real independence for the management of the internal audit and work to hold courses and workshops in order to recognize the role and importance of internal audit in risk reduction.
  • ItemOpen Access
    الزكاة والوقف كبديل لنظام الحماية الاجتماعية الحالي
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-08) مراد, بودية سكينة
    la protection sociale est Considérée comme l’épine dorsale et le pilier fondamental de toute société , elle consiste à améliorer les conditions de vie des individus qui sont pauvres, là où elle augmente leur pouvoir d'achat en leurs assurant la sécurité du revenu et d'assurer le bien être social à travers des allocations et des pensions octroyées par l’état soit dans le cas, de vieillesse ou de chômage, ou dans le cas d'invalidité, ...... réalisant ainsi la justice sociale, le bien-être et pour que l'Etat pour peut couvrir ces dépenses elle doit fournir des ressources financières nécessaire, mais avec les mutations économiques actuelles tel que la chute des prix du pétrole et les changements démographiques qui se produisent dans les sociétés, l'Algérie se trouve en face du problème de l'efficacité du système de protection sociale et l'efficacité des dépenses, ce qui exige à prendre des mesures alternatives au système actuel de protection sociale :Zakat et le wakf parce qu'il représente une importance significative dans l'économie islamique.
  • ItemOpen Access
    إسهام القطاع السياحي في دعم مؤشرات الأقتصاد الوطني - دراسة تحليلية لحصيلة القطاع السياحي -
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-08) طويطي, مصطفى; مجدوب, خيرة
    Algeria is one of the important tourist poles With all its elements supportive of sustainable tourism, this view of the tourist potential that distinguishes them from many countries, especially the African and Arab level. Being characterized by a coastal strip extending along the 1200 km overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, Besides possessing stunning diversity of climatic zones and allow the continuation of tourism throughout the year, Add to that distinctiveness desert ranked of the most beautiful deserts of the world, the multiplicity of traditions and diversity of effects earned it biologically unique, but despite this enormous tourism potential available to Algeria is that the status of the tourism sector known significant weakness compared with neighboring countries such as Tunisia and Morocco, and even Arab countries such as Egypt and Jordan, which calls for the need to take action necessary for the advancement of this sector in particular, and that the flow of Algerian tourists about various countries reached 3,638,140 tourists for 2015, which far exceeds the flow of tourists to Algeria, but did not exceed even half (1.709.994 tourists) for the same year.
  • ItemOpen Access
    تجارب رائدة في مجال اقتصاد المعرفة
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-08) بغداد, باي غالي; يعقوب, محمد
    By the time and despite of the varying differences that exist between the countries’ economic policies whether they are developed or developing countries, then, the difficulties that are faced by those countries to ensure the application of an efficient economic policy ; and in spite of the differences that exist in these countries in the matter of the available resources used in the purpose of financing their policies to achieve their desired aim, we find that they had been capable of creating their own position which allowed them to establish their knowledge-based economy by making use of the best policies and efforts in the aim of promoting education, research and development.
  • ItemOpen Access
    تطور معدل الفائدة في الفكر الأقتصادي
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-08) بنابي, فتيحة
    The interests rates is one of the most important indicator in the Capitalist Economy thought, because of its impact on macroeconomic and microeconomic variables. Whereas the economic think differ on the positive or negative origin of this impact. This matter lead us to address through this research views of some old civilizations and old religions too, and also the views of the economic thought through its various schools namely: the business school, the school of marginal trade, the classical school, the Keynesian school and the Neo-Keynesian school too. Adding the rational expectations theory and the contemporary theory, where some of them promotes the low level interests rates due to increase of the investment, employment and production, whereas others promotes its high level. This difference is due for different reasons as: the increase of savings, and the necessity to pay a fair price on the borrowed capital, adding to this more effects and other reasons we will discuss throughout this research.
  • ItemOpen Access
    مساهمة الصكوك الأسلامية في تحسين عجلة التنمية بالجزائر " تجربة السودان نموذجا "
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-08) بن خليفة, احمد; حفوظة, الأمير عبد القادر
    This study deals with the definition of the idea of Islamic sukuk as of the leading Islamic financial instruments that have proved their worth in the crowd needed to cover the needs of the funding of nation and financial resources through exposure to the most important characteristics and different types and as well as the role it plays in order to achieve economic and social development by addressing some successful practical experiences along the lines of the Sudan experience which have benefited from the advantages and opportunities offered by these instruments to support development and try to stand in the fourth for the possibility of Algeria to benefit from that sukuk instruments to financing development projects in the future in lack of state resources as a result of the decline in oil prices.
  • ItemOpen Access
    أثر النمو السكاني على نصيب الفرد من الموارد المائية - دراسة حالة الجزائر للفترة ( 1999 - 2014 )
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-08) اسليماني, محمد
    Cette recherche vise principalement à étudier l’impact de la croissance démographique sur la part de l’eau douce par habitant en Algérie ; cela en analysant la relation bilatérale entre ces deux variables. L’étude a révélé que la progression démographique a un effet inverse sur la part de l’eau de chaque habitant. Donc, la rationalisation d’usage de l’eau et son économie sont recommandées pour assurer sa continuité en faveur des prochaines génération.
  • ItemOpen Access
    مؤشرات الأسواق المالية كوسيلة للوقاية من الأزمات المالية - التنبؤ بحركة مؤشر داوجونز الصناعي باستخدام منهجية Box-Jenkins في تحليل السلاسل الزمنية
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-08) رملاوي, عبد القادر; بشرول, فيصل
    Financial market indicators are considered among the best financial market analysis tools and one of the most important economic indicators used to predict the future situation of the market, this is why the analysis and modeling of financial market indicators is considered a measure of the degree of market efficiency and tool for economic forecasting .The Moving average autoregressive models (ARIMA) of Box-Jinkins is considered of the most important methods used for achieving this goal. Through this paper we aim to analyze the evolution of the Dow Jones Industrial index of New York Bourse during the period of the month of January 2006 to February 2014 in order to know the direction of changes in this index and predict future worth.
  • ItemOpen Access
    انعكاس سياسات التنمية الريفية على الأمن الغذائي في الجزائر
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-08) بلقلة, براهيم; صلاح, محمد; مطاي, عبد القادر
    The aim of this research is to review the most important policies and programs initiated by Algeria in the period 2000-2013forthe sake of develop the rural and community gricultural sector in order to achieve food security. The rural community is the oundation stone for the development of the agricultural sector and the provision of food needs. At the end, we have noticed that Algeria has made much efforts to achieve food security through the establishment of development policy ambitious and sustainable, manifested sets in a broad package of plans and programs leading to a marked improvement on the level of the agricultural sector and the rural community since the beginning of the third millennium, and yet, in spite of those accomplishments, however, there are a umber of shortcomings and challenges and that the decision-makers must be faced to promote the agricultural sector and the development of the rural community to trengthen the country's food security.
  • ItemOpen Access
    القطاع الخاص كبديل تنموي للاقتصاد الجزائري خارج قطاع المحروقات
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-08) ساسي, فطيمة; سعودي, عبد الصمد
    The private sector occupies a pivotal role in economic and social development, due to its capabilities and characteristics which qualify it to influence various economic and social fields and this what affects the economic activity in a way that pushes the economic policy makers to the need to focus on the mechanisms of the development and the provision of an appropriate climate to its activity where the private sector grows through the private investment. When we will look at our work to analyze the contribution of the private sector in the Algerian economy outside hydrocarbons sector and reached achievements in addition to identifying all of the constraints and obstacles to his contribution with the suggestion of some of the solutions that we see effective for activating the role of the private sector in economic diversification in Algeria .
  • ItemOpen Access
    استخدام أسلوب تحليل التعادل المتقدم في اتخاذ القرارات التشغيلية في المؤسسة الاقتصادية - دراسة ميدانية لمشروع صناعة الأنابيب -
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-08) عثماني, أحسين; تقرارت, يزيد
    The paper aims to clarify the importance of using break-even analysis in operational decision-making within the institution under study method, where the organization uses a simplified accounting system my costs aimed at decision-making product pricing, We have, therefore, to propose a tie analysis method to demonstrate the extent of his contribution to the reduction of the various problems of the institution in terms of excessive costs and decision-making with regard to production lines, which consumes valuable and do not achieve the cost-effectiveness of the institution and overlie these important our findings, Regarding the proposed recommendations is to work to adopt modern methods in control of management that will eliminate activities that consume value and promote activities that add value to the institution and keep old customers and gain new customers while maintaining the required quality to clients and attention to their requirements and address the various tastes level.
  • ItemOpen Access
    التدريب السياحي كوسيلة لتنمية كفاءة الموارد البشرية في القطاع السياحي - مشروع تكامل للمملكة العربية السعودية - نموذجا --
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-08) قاشي, خالد; سعدي, رندة
    This article aims to clarify both concepts of tourism and tourism investment through their identification distinctive Types and characteristics, also the foundations of tourism investment attraction, as such the second axis of this research paper devoted to the theoretical concept of human resources, by talking about its characteristics and the importance of the human resources, and all the terms that associated with it, likewise the importance of training in the development of human resource for the organization in general, then in the last axis we focused on the role of tourism training in the efficiency of tourism human resources development by highlighting the ways and means adopted in this , we center on experience of Saudi Arabia in the tourism training for human resources development in the tourism sector through a project called "TAKAMUL" as a model.
  • ItemOpen Access
    مساهمة القوائم المالية في اتخاذ القرارات الأستثمارية في سوق الأوراق المالية - دراسة حالة عينة من المستثمرين ببورصة الجزائر -
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-08) دباش, أميرة; خميلي, فريد
    This study seeks to identify the contribution of Financial Statements to investment decisions in the stock market, in order to achieve the objectives of the studywas used the questionnaire where distributed on a sample of investors on Algeria, was the use of statistical analysis spss. The study concluded that there is a positive role has a statistical significance between the Financial Statements and investment decisions, where is one of the most important sources of information on which investors in making decisions.
  • ItemOpen Access
    اليقضة الإستراتيجية في المؤسسة الاقتصادية الجزائرية - دراسة ميدانية لعينة من النسيج الصناعي الجزائري-
    (Université de M'sila, 2017-08) طيب, سعيدة
    Le but de cet article est de soulever l’importance de la Veille stratégique en tant que facteur (stratégique) intéressant et de démontrer sa réalité dans les entreprises économiques algérienne, en regard de son besoin à la différenciation sous l’ombre des changements environnementaux compétitifs complexes, ainsi que sa volonté à conserver son avantage concurrentiel, la croissance et le développement des opérations innovatrice. Ce qui implique l’adoption de ce dispositif comme nouvel outil de gestion, et l’exploitation des informations stratégiques pour s’adapter avec les nouvelles situations.Les résultats obtenus à travers l’étude des échantillons d’entreprises économiques algériennes de nature industrielles variées (activité, volume et propriété), montrer que la veille stratégique n’est pas répandue de manière très vaste dans les entreprises économiques algérienne, à l’exception celles touchées par la décisions gouvernementale pour l’application de ce dispositif ainsi que certaines entreprises économiques privées qui ont créé un service ou une cellule pour ce fait.