أثر عرض النقود على العجز المزدوج في السودان خلال الفترة (1996-2014م)

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Université de M'sila


This paper aims to explain the effect of money supply on public budget deficit in Sudan, during (1996 – 2014). The study used the statistic methods which deal with the nature and characteristics of time series in order to specify the relationship between the variables. Unit root test, co-integration and the estimated model are used to study the variable for the long and short term. The result of unit root test reveals that the variables of the study are stable at 5% level of significance, while, the exchange rate deficit is stable in first difference at 5% level of significance. The public deficit is stable in 2nd difference 5% level of significance. Through Co-integration, regression, it is clear that the Budget Deficit (BD) and (BP) are affected by the long term. The result of estimated model reveals that the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and exchange rate (EX) has more effects in short term as a result of economic reformation.



