أثر تنفيذ برنامج التخاصية على الحساب الختامي (النفقات و الايرادات الفعلية) للدولة في الأردن

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Université de M'sila


The study aimsto assess effect of execution the privatization program in Jordan on the final account (The actual revenues and expenditures), it used the ratios of local revenues, grants, received loan premiums, current expenditure and capital expenditures to the total of the annual budget, the study use the actual revenues and expenditures data for theyears(1990-2010). The study methodology is based oncomparing means of theratios applied in the study, for ten years before the privatization program starting year, and ten years after it, and it used the (t)test for independent samples, The study concludes that there is no significant effect for execution the privatization program on the local revenues, the grants, and the capital expenditures, but it has a significant effect on the received loan premiumsand thecurrent expenditures. The study results show that execution the privatization program doesn’t reduce the financial burden on the budget, so there is a need for good planning whenapplying strategic projects and programs such as the privatization, best practices and procedures should be followed, and factors necessary for success of these projects should be taken in consideration.



Privatization, Public Budget, final account.

