التمويل المصرفي في النظام الإسلامي والنظام التقليدي: مدخل مقارن

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Université de M'sila


Islamic and conventional commercial banks are both financial institutions which provide deficit economic units with the funds they need to carry out their activities. However, a difference exists in the conditions these funds are provided: conventional banks use the interest rate levy whereas islamic banks are supposed to rely on the profit and loss sharing scheme. Hence, the introduction of the latter system has some effects on the behaviour of all parties: the depositors, the bank and the entrepreneurs. This paper deals especially with the relation bank-entrepreneur in the two systems and, based on certain hypothesizes, it tries to find out the different strategies to be adopted by each party given that the entrepreneur is free to choose the bank he likes. We end up with some important conclusions stressing on the way the islamic system can contribute to promote the northsouth financial relations presently relying on the interest system which has proven its limits in low performing economies.



