أطر إنفاذ برامج نزع السلاح والتسريح وإعادة الإدماج في سياق متطلبات الإصلاح المؤسسي لدى دول ما بعد النزاع


ملخص: تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى بحث الأطر القانونية لإدارة برامج نزع السلاح والتسريح وإعادة الإدماج في سياق سعي دول ما بعد النزاع إلى ضمان حق ضحايا انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان في عدم تكرار ارتكاب انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان من خلال إنفاذ آلية الإصلاح المؤسسي، والتي تتضمن إزالة الأسلحة من أيدي أعضاء الجماعات المسلحة غير النظامية، وفصل المقاتلين عن مجموعاتهم ومساعدتهم على الاندماج من جديد كمدنيين في المجتمع الانتقالي، بالإضافة إلى دعم الجنود المقاتلين السابقين وأولئك المرتبطين بالجماعات المسلحة ماديا ومعنويا واجتماعيا، حتى يصبحوا فعاليين في عملية إعادة بناء السلام في دولهم، وعادة ما يرتبط إنفاذ برامج نزع السلاح والتسريح وإعادة الإدماج في الدول الانتقالية بعدد من الشروط المسبقة، خاصة منها: التوقيع على اتفاق سلام ينص على نزع السلاح والتسريح وإعادة الدمج؛ ومنح الثقة للأطراف في عملية السلام والاستعداد للمشاركة في هذه العملية؛ وضمان الحد الأدنى للأمن والسلم المجتمعي. Abstract: The aim of this study is to examine the legal frameworks for the management of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programs in the context of post-conflict countries seeking to ensure the right of victims of human rights violations to non-repetition through the institutional reform mechanism by working to remove weapons from members of armed groups, And to support ex-combatants and those associated with armed groups, to become effective in the peace process. The implementation of DDR programs in transitional countries is linked to a number of preconditions, To a peace agreement that provides for disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, to give confidence to the parties to the peace process and to prepare to participate in this process and to ensure a minimum security. On this basis, the following major research problem is raised: What are the foundations of post-conflict countries in their quest to ensure the right not to repeat human rights violations through the enforcement of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programs? To study disarmament, demobilization and reintegration as one of the fundamental frameworks within the institutional reform of post-conflict countries through their application of restorative justice mechanisms, the descriptive approach and the analytical approach have been employed, through which they are articulated by defining their concept and defining frameworks for designing and enforcing their programs Its location and its relationship with other transitional justice mechanisms. Following the general course of this research study, the following results were obtained: - Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programs as a whole are aimed at containing the post-conflict residues of transitional societies and States in that the continued possession of weapons by armed persons recruited into irregular armed groups after the conflict is a serious threat to Internal stability and smooth and smooth transition. - The design of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programs in a manner consistent with the political, social, economic and security environment of each post-conflict State is demonstrated to facilitate the acceleration of the transition process and the attainment of peace-building. - Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programs in war-torn and conflict-torn countries are often complex and long-term, especially since they often lack the legal, economic, security, logistical, political and technical infrastructure required by DDR programs. True, these countries are exposed to more risks of division and dispersion in the future. On the basis of the above research findings, a number of recommendations and suggestions could be formulated: - The international community, States and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, should provide the necessary and appropriate support to States emerging from conflict to design and implement subsequent programs of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, particularly as they are often environments that lack the necessary stability and stability. - Emphasis should be placed on the direct and effective focus of post-conflict States in designing and enforcing disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programs for the groups most affected by the conflict, especially child combatants who have been illegally recruited into the armies, and expeditiously disarm and demobilize them And to integrate them in a healthy manner in society in order to ensure their future. Résumé: L’objectif de cette étude est d’examiner les cadres juridiques régissant la gestion des programmes de désarmement, de démobilisation et de réinsertion dans le contexte des pays sortant d’un conflit cherchant à garantir le droit des victimes de violations des droits de l’homme de ne pas se répéter grâce au mécanisme de réforme institutionnelle en: œuvrant à retirer les armes des membres des groupes armés et à soutenir les ex-combattants et les personnes associées à des groupes armés afin de devenir efficaces dans le processus de paix. La mise en œuvre des programmes de DDR dans les pays en transition est liée à un certain nombre de conditions préalables. Un accord de paix prévoyant le désarmement, la démobilisation et la réinsertion, donne confiance aux parties au processus de paix et se prépare à participer à ce processus et à assurer un minimum de sécurité.



دول ما بعد النزاع - العدالة الانتقالية - الحق في عدم التكرار - الإصلاح المؤسسي برامج نزع السلاح والتسريح وإعادة الإدماج

