الإشكاليات الدولية لمواجهة أزمات النظام المالي الدولي "دراسة تطبيقية على التدابير الدولية"

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Université de M'sila


The repercussions of the financial crisis on the international level, and regional impacts are increasing and what caused the recession in the global markets, reflected in the increasing number of bankruptcies of many big companies, it has been much debate about the causes of that crisis erupted Some have retained or invoiced to lax corporate governance mechanisms, in particular in the financial institutions, as well as the redominance of material values in financial transactions on the economic criteria established and the associated side of morality, which has been reflected in the expansion is exaggerated in the lending and borrowing on the grounds that it is the main manifestation of the credit crunch credit crisis and the mortgage crisis mortgage crisis, others may go back the occurrence of the global crisis to expand the use of fair value in the financial statements are prepared in an exaggerated manner and to reflect the excessive use of the rule of Me, along with what already has spread cases of anipulation and financial corruption and popping factors and manifestations of fraud were not exist before (Nagy and Cenker, 2007 )



