بن يوب, لطيفةعوار, عائشة2018-10-252018-10-2520131112-8984http://dspace.univ-msila.dz:8080//xmlui/handle/123456789/6247The purpose of this paper, on the one hand, is to analyze and measure the impact of economic integration on foreign direct investment, and on the other hand, the impact of foreign direct investment on economic growth in GCC countries during the period 1981-2011 using co-integration method. Results show that economic variables are stationary in first differences; besides, the existence of long term relationship between these variables and a causality relationship among foreign direct investment and economic growth.Economic Integration, Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Growth, GCC Countries, Co integrationالاستثمار الأجنبي المباشر والنمو الاقتصادي في ظل التكامل الاقتصادي الخليجيArticle