أحمد دوشة عب الغاني رزيق2024-12-162024-12-162024https://dspace.univ-msila.dz/handle/123456789/45295The expansion of executive activities, as well as the intensity and diversity of administrative duties at the level of the administrative function, have led to the emergence of a method or system of delegation as a mechanism for administrative activity in Algeria as a means of not focusing. By virtue of which, the administrative head entrusts certain of his responsibilities to his subordinates on the basis of a legal provision authorising him or her and is subject to special legal provisions that distinguish him or her from other similar legal regulations. Furthermore, through its implementation in the Algerian administrative system, the delegation system facilitates administrative reform, enhances the execution of its duties, boosts efficiency and speed, and draws the administration closer to theotherity. Lack of focus .Distribution . Administrative activ Délégation :Keywordsof competenceنظام التفويض كألية للنشاط الاداري في الجزائرThesis