Laoufi, HakimaHadidi, AdemBahnas, Elabbes2020-11-192020-11-192020-11 study aimed to measure the impact of investment in education on economic growth in Algeria through some indicators of the education sector during the period from 1970 to 2016 in the long term, where many studies confirm a strong positive relationship between education and economic growth and that economic growth occurs from During the development of human resources, especially through the provision of some basic needs and effectively such as investment in the education sector through achieving high rates of economic growth, and therefore the study focuses on the estimation using time series of statistical data for Algeria over the period 1970 - 2016 The number of students in primary and secondary education as well as the number of students in universities with the economic growth rates expressed in the GDP, using the ARDL model.investment in education ; education spending ; economic growth ; support ; ARDL modelInvestment In Education And Economic Growth : Ardl ModelArticle