بكري ريان2023-11-282023-11-282023http://dspace.univ-msila.dz:8080//xmlui/handle/123456789/41340The International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other Countries (ICSID) appeared a long time ago, in the year 1965, and received great interest from various economic and international circles, but the interest in it among us in Algeria increased in recent years, especially after the issuance of Investment Law No. To promote and encourage investment and investors by giving them sufficient guarantees, including the possibility of resorting to neutral international institutions in order to resolve any dispute in the matter by the agreed methods, on top of which is the settlement of the dispute through arbitration according to mechanisms at the level of the International Center ICSID (the subject of the study), this arbitration begins voluntarily by resorting to it And it ends with a binding and compulsory ruling for the conflicting parties, of course, if its procedures are respected and the conditions for its implementation are met, its rulings are recognized and appeals are granted.  Keywords: (International Center for Settlement of Investment Dispute investment disputes - arbitration)otherICSID) المركز الدول - منازعات االستثمار-- التحكيمICSIDآلية التحكيم أمام المركزالدولي لتسوية منازعات آاالستثمارThesis