عثامنية وردة2024-11-102024-11-102024https://dspace.univ-msila.dz/handle/123456789/44881mmary The objective of this study was to understand the influence of the extended marketing mix elements on the purchasing decision of healthcare service beneficiaries. Conducted at Al-Qala Clinic in M'sila, the study's sample consisted of 62 participants. To fulfill the study's goals, address its inquiries, and examine its hypotheses, a descriptive research approach was employed. The questionnaire was the primary data collection tool. Key outcomes of the research include:  The primary hypothesis testing (multiple linear regression analysis) demonstrated a significant and statistically notable relationship between the independent variable (extended service marketing mix) and the dependent variable (purchasing decision of healthcare services at the clinic under examination).  Sub-hypotheses testing (simple linear regression analysis) indicated significant and statistically relevant impacts of various dimensions of the extended service marketing mix (people, physical evidence, and processes) on the purchasing decision of healthcare services at the studied clinic.تاثير عناصر المزيج التسويقي الموسع ps3 على قرار شراء الخدمة الصحيةدراسة تطبيقية على عينة من زبائن خدمة بريدي موبThesis