محلب, فائزةفرحات, عباس2018-05-132018-05-1320172543-3644http://dspace.univ-msila.dz:8080//xmlui/handle/123456789/4270The primary goal of this study is to show the reality of hotel establishments sector in Algeria, to address the most important developments. We aim to form a picture about its contribution to the tourism sector or non-contribution. In addition, to make a preliminary judge about their strategic management,through an exploratory study of cadre opinions in a few of these establishments.We reached that the sector is young, and it has some weaknesses. On other hand, these establishments care about strategic practices that takes into account their stakeholders.السياحة ، المؤسسات الفندقية ، الزبائن ، المناطق ، الإستراتيجية ( Tourism, hotel establishments, clients, areas, strategy )واقع المؤسسات الفندقية كأحد مؤشرات قطاع السياحة في الجزائر - عرض حالة ولاية الجزائرArticle