جديدي, ادمغريبي يسين, سي لاخضر2019-02-072019-02-072016http://dspace.univ-msila.dz:8080//xmlui/handle/123456789/7172We seek through this study to determine the role of governance in Algerian economic institutions as an approach to rationalization of profit allocation decisions, using the questionnaire as a tool for scientific research through a sample survey of frames in Algerian economic institutions, we determined that the application of the principles of corporate governance of economic institutions that will strengthen the efficiency of economic institutions and rationalization of investing and financing decisions by working to balance current and future profit distributions which result in maximizing the stock price, and eventually we came up with a set of Recommendations the most important Algerian institutions obliged to apply or adopt corporate governance standards.corporate governance, OECD, dividend distribution policy decisions, Saidal company, Somedial.دور حوكمة الشركات في ترشيد قرارات توزيع الارباح في المؤسسات الاقتصادية الجزائرية -دراسة استظلاعية لعينة من اطارات مجمع صيدال (فرع صوميدال)Article