Dif, MOHAMMED AMINE2023-05-302023-05-302016-06-10http://dspace.univ-msila.dz:8080//xmlui/handle/123456789/39021We put our work in this wireless networking Ad hot its history and uses, with a focus on the side of the guidance, especially as our offer multicast routing protocols and types, their advantages and which faced challenges. We have in this note a genetic algorithm to propose a solution to the problem of guidance in this type of networks, trying to improve as much as possible way to obtain the optimal path for each node toward their destinations and this improves the performance and effectiveness of the routing protocol, and we are also improving the genetic algorithm in itself to get the best results, and a comparison between them and normal genetic algorithm their work on this problem.enAd hoc, routing routing protocol genetic algorithm.Genetic Algorithm Applied To Multicast Routing Problem In Ad Hoc NetworksThesis