بن زهية حدة - قريش ي وهيبة2024-07-222024-07-222024https://dspace.univ-msila.dz/handle/123456789/43983The aim of this study is to evaluate the role of digitization in improving and developing the quality of public services in the local administration of the Municipality of Ouled Sidi Brahim. Through the analysis of information and data from the questionnaire results and interviews with employees and officials of this municipality, the study concluded that digitization significantly contributes to improving the quality of services provided, reducing the time and effort expended in administrative processes, and increasing citizens' satisfaction with the services provided. The study also showed that the main challenges include a lack of training in the use of modern technology and resistance to change by some employees.other1. Digitization 2 .Local administration 3 .Service qualityدورالرقمنةفي تطوير الخدمةالعمومية في الإدارةالملحلية الجزائرية:دراسة حالةبلدية أولاد سيدي إبراهيم من 2016 ــ2024Thesis