طهراوي, دومة علي2018-10-142018-10-142018-032543-3709http://dspace.univ-msila.dz:8080//xmlui/handle/123456789/5886The Object of This research is to examine the forms of partnership Between the publicand private sectors, And to highlight the Most effective financing andcompletion of infrastructure projects for renewable energies .Through the Study of the experience of Morocco, Which relied on ThisméthodeUnder the mechanism of construction and operation and transfer of ownership BOOT .The right investments are only evidence of the successful experience of Morocco,Which enabled it to lead the Arab experiments in the production of photovoltaic cellsAnd is expected to reach 40% of the energy consumed locally2020 prospects,This demonstrates the effectiveness of PPP in reducing energy dependence.public-private partnership, renewable energy, infrastructure, construction, operation and transfer contracts.تجربة المغرب في تخفيف التبعية الطاقوية بالإعتماد على الشراكة بين القطاعين العام والخاص في البنى التحتية للطاقات المتجددةArticle