عيسي, الهادي2018-05-162018-05-162011-10-302170-0818http://dspace.univ-msila.dz:8080//xmlui/handle/123456789/4360هناك جهد فكري تركز على الجودة الشاملة كاسلوب للادارة ولابد للادارة الجامعية في معاهد التربية البدنية والرياضية ان تبدا من حيث انتهي هذا الجهد الفكري ، وعلى العموم لا يمكن للمعاهد التربوية تطبيق ادارة الجودة الشاملة مالم يتحقق عدد من المتطلبات الرئيسية لتطبيق اسلوب ادارة الجودة الشاملة في الادارة التربوية Summary: Abstract: There is an intellectual effort focused on total quality management as a way to, and must manage the university institutes of physical education and sport to start up where this intellectual effort! On the whole can not Institutes Educational application of total quality management unless there is a number of main requirements for the application of a method of Total Quality Management in Educational Administration, perhaps the most important of which convinced senior management in the university system the importance of using the entrance of Total Quality Management, mindful of the variables of the new world, and as any A comprehensive quality of modern management techniques that seek to reduce the financial costs, and reduce waste, educational or educational wastage (raising the internal efficiency of the university system). Also seek to modify the culture of university system in line with the procedures of total quality management approach and making an organizational culture consistent with the concepts. And must place the needs and desires of students, teachers and stakeholders in the first place when determining the quality objectives (external efficiency of the university system), not inconsistent with the objectives of the educational process. It must be emphasized on the cooperation of all staff in the university system to adopt a philosophy of quality through the development of the Council for Quality, and the group taking the initiative to determine the quality priority areas for improvement, and participation of workers in determining the actions required to work. It must be a broad base of information and data on students and educational programs, teachers, trainers and other data, even when it can be the focal application of total quality management. Then there is the importance of developing programs for continuous training of teachers, administrators and staff in the university system so that they can master the skills that contribute to quality improvement, as well as delegation of authority necessary for employees to do their jobs without interference in every nook and cranny, and the preparation of clear evidence of the steps to be followed to accomplish the business while providing employeeالجودة الشاملة التسيير الادارة معاهد التربية البدنية والرياضيةتطبيق نظام الجودة الشاملة في تسيير وادارة معاهد التربية البدنية والرياضية بالجزائر وسبل نجاحهاArticle