Bouri, Chaouki2020-11-252020-11-252020-11 Algeria is currently one of the largest importers of foodstuff and agricultural products. For the Algerian government, solving the problem of food insecurity has been a main component of development policy. Indeed, the object was to make sure a sufficient amount of food for a growing population and ensure affordable prices to the greatest number of the population. The National Agricultural and Rural Development Plan PNDAR aimed at attaining various purposes mainly: -Increasing production and yields -Protecting ecosystems and continuing the development of agricultural land. We aim to question the results achieved through the development policy and its impact on economic growth, mainly on employment and the rate of contribution of agriculture to gross domestic production (GDP). We aim to question in this article the results achieved through the development policy and its impact on economic growth, mainly on employment and the rate of contribution of agriculture to gross domestic production (GDP). Keywords: Agriculture, agricultural policies, agricultural development, National Plan for Agricultural and Rural Development (NARDP). Jel classification : Q10, Q18.Agriculture ; agricultural policies ; agricultural development ; National Plan for Agricultural and Rural Development (NARDP).Acquired And Perspectives Of The Agricultural Development Policy In Algeria.Article