بن خرور, خيرالدينبوضياف, نوال2019-05-062019-05-062019-01-01http://dspace.univ-msila.dz:8080//xmlui/handle/123456789/13767This theoretical paper aims to identify the evaluation of the tests in the educational institutions by focusing on the requirements of the preparation of tests according to the competency approach in primary education. In light of the problems occurring in the field through the following pillars: - The requirements of the educational calendar according to the approach competencies critically. - The strategy of the calendar card in building tests in terms of internal and external validity. - Ensure the standards and specifications required in the tests: comprehensiveness - objectivity - discrimination... -Make sure the specification table of material tests in terms of balance. roposals have been reached to build the material tests, such as the construction of the collection tests and the question banks in this field.Educational Calendar - Building Tests - Specification Table - Competency Approach.امتقويه بالاختبارات في ظل اممقاربة بامكفاءات في المؤسسات التعليميةArticle