Ghellab Halima2022-11-172022-11-172022-06 mondialisation affecte tous les domaines de la vie, en particulier celui de l’enseignement- apprentissage en général. Ce qui impose aux enseignants de revoir leurs objectifs d’enseignement- apprentissage des langues étrangères notamment, lorsque celles- ci sont considérées tel le véhicule conscient ou inconscient d’une culture.Tout le monde s’accorde effectivement que la culture prend désormais une place prépondérante dans le processus d’enseignement- apprentissage, en revanche, on s’accorde aussi que son enseignement demeure difficile, du fait de son caractère polymorphe, dynamique et évolutif. Globalization affects all areas of life, especially teaching and learning in general. This requires teachers to review their teaching and learning objectives of foreign languages, especially when these are considered as the conscious or unconscious vehicle of a culture. Everyone actually agrees that culture now takes a place predominant in the teaching-learning process, on the other hand, we also agree that its teaching remains difficult, because of its polymorphous, dynamic and evolving character. Indeed, the avowed goal of each teacher is the following: the teaching of cultures can develop in its learners a cultural competence promoting intercultural communication between individuals of different cultures. - How to claim to achieve this ideal skill, in a space like the classroom? - How to assert your identity, while recognizing the other? These are the questions we seek to answer through this research.Enseignement, apprentissage, culture, identité, interculturel, altérité.Attitudes Des Apprenants Du Fle Face à Une Culture étrangèreArticle