لعذور, صورية2018-05-142018-05-1420172543-3644http://dspace.univ-msila.dz:8080//xmlui/handle/123456789/4277The Small and medium entrepreneurship have a major role to play in developing national economy of any country by providing jobs, exploiting local wealth, improving social conditions, …..etc. so it was incumbent on the state to provide various forms of support to help them survive and continuity, especially in light of the new competition created by globalization, And in this regard Algeria has established several specialized bodies and institutions in this field. Through available statistics, it became clear to us the crucial role of these agencies in promoting the entrepreneurial work of small and medium enterprises through: Providing administrative,financial support, strengthening and providing advice, accompanying young entrepreneurs with the implementation of their investment projects, granting subsidies and tax concessions. ..etc.المقاولة ، مؤسسات المقاولة الصغيرة والمتوسطة،أجهزة الدعم والموافقة.(entrepreneurship, small and medium entrepreneurship, support and accompaniment institutions. )دور مؤسسات الدعم والموافقة في ترقية عمل المقاولات الصغيرة والمتوسطة بالجزائر - دراسة حالة (ANGEM ,ENSEJ,L'ANDI,CNAC )Article