طيبي, حمزةحجار, مبروكةمير, احمد2018-05-132018-05-1320172543-3644http://dspace.univ-msila.dz:8080//xmlui/handle/123456789/4272There is no doubt that the run-up of oil prices in the beginning of the third millennium have had a positive impact in improving economic growth rates, in increasing investment opportunities◌ and development projects,which led to improving the level of living and reducing unemployment rates. The Algerian economy is like other economies that rely heavily on its oil revenues, has suffered from the economic crisis due to the large drop in oil prices in global markets. This crisis was reflecting in the budget deficit, in the decline of economic growth rates and foreign currency reserves, moreover, in the investment projects and jobs. Algeria, like many other countries, is striving to create economic alternatives to build a diversified economy, which would reduce the dependency on hydrocarbons. In this paper, we study the causes and consequences of the third Oil boom of 2008 and its impact on the Algerian economyالطفرة النفطية ، أسعار النفط ، معدل النمو ال‘قتصادي (The third Oil boom, Oil prices, Economic growth rates)الطفرة النفطية الثالثة 2008 ومدى استفادة الجزائر منهاArticle