بن حواء, زهورسماش, أمينةثابتي, حبيب2018-10-142018-10-142018-032543-3709http://dspace.univ-msila.dz:8080//xmlui/handle/123456789/5888The study is concerned with research on the impact the Internet on the behavior of university student,which includes three aspects: Educational attainment, Interaction and Exchange of knowledge, Discipline,Moral,that is through using the descriptive approach and methodology Mactor (interference actors analysis), And using the structured interviews style. The study system - the selection of actors in every context - which consisted of 15 actor (six professors + three university staff and university residence, They are the supervisors of the automated media halls + six students at Master and doctorate), It has been identified objectives of each actor separately, as well as the degree of approval of the actors on the objectives of each other in the context of specific contexts.The results of study indicate that the dominant actors are the professors which have a strong effect to other actors in Internet effect system to student as have the same position, so that their shares indicate to the existence of potential alliance between the professor to the orientation and the awareness of the student for the use of internet to implement the educational attainment , interaction and knowledges exchange, moral discipline. The group of students divided to two groups, the first have a strong values and interpret this to accept degree to targets, therefore the elevation of awareness and somewhat reaction to the instructions of professors and administrators. The second group is the big number and have a weak values, due to no acceptance to targets and this because be affected by a variables of system studying. As such, the results indicated the existence of a weak relation between administrators and students.Internet, Educational Attainment, Interaction, knowledges Exchange, Moral discipline, method of Mactorدراسة تأثير الانترنت على سلوك الطالب الجامعي الجزائري من وجهة نظر الفاعلين باستخدام منهجية ماكتور دراسة حالة كلية العلوم اللإفسادية والتجارية وعلوم التسيير بجامعة معسكرArticle